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Week 34 Bumpdate!

It just keeps getting closer and closer but taking forever at the same time. I'm so excited to know that baby Goose will be joining us soon however I have so much to do before he arrives and of course I get sick. So now not only do I not feel like doing anything, if I do to much I start coughing which means peeing my pants too and then feel even worse. Not sure how I'm going to get everything done if this cold lingers like it did with my dad. I'm on day 7 now and it last just over 3 weeks for my dad. Ugh! I can't take it that long.

How far along? 34 Weeks!

How big is baby? About 18 inches long and about 5 pounds (according to my phone app)

Weight gain? Another 2 pounds. Really hoping that it's from the baby. I'm getting a little nervous about losing the baby weight afterwards. 

Maternity Clothes? Yep! I don't have many summer clothes to wear. I'm not planning on buying any either since this is the last baby for us. I'm just saving the clothes that look the best for days I'm out and about and wear whatever is comfortable when I'm at home. 

Stretch Marks? Nothing new.

Sleep? Was getting better. I have a friend that suggested that I sleep with ice packs because I was so hot at night and wasn't able to sleep. Now though it's my stupid cold. The cough is just getting so bad at night there is just no hope for sleep. Last night I was lucky to get 4 hours. 

Best Moment this Week? Monkey was trying to feel Goose move this week. He hasn't shown much interest in feeling him move so it was fun to have him keep touching my belly. Of course Goose wouldn't cooperate with him though.

Movement? His movements are getting smaller but when he gets really active I get to see my belly move like there is an alien inside. It's so fun to watch!

Food Cravings? I have started to want to eat again. Eggs are still grossing me out big time. I can barely cook them for Hubby and Monkey. However, there have been a few times that I'm just starving which is a huge difference from last week. I had no desire to eat anything then.

Labor Signs? Nothing yet. He needs to keep waiting. This week is my nephews birthday and I don't want him born to close. Plus then on the 7th is nieces birthday and I have a big event for the non-profit I'm a part of that day so he needs to wait.

Belly Button In or Out? Still in. Hoping that it stays in.

What I Miss? Feeling well obviously. Bending over is the other. It's hard playing with Monkey, getting him dressed, anything that is lower then I am. 

Weekly Wisdom? Sometimes when sick it's better to get some sleep to help get better than to worry about being all natural. I started off being careful with not taking any kind of medication. Using the neti pot and drinking a ton of lemon and honey tea. It works wonders normally. But with this cough I have no choice but to take something that can help. I don't want to cough so hard that I send myself into labor. 

Milestones? He's still in the down position and hoping he stays that way. 

Next Appointment? June 26th. This is the last time for 2 weeks between appointments. After that I will be going every week and they will start checking me at 36 weeks because of my silent labor. Since my hospital is pretty far they don't want me to deliver in the car because I don't know that I'm in labor. 

What I'm Looking Forward To? Next Saturday is my baby sprinkle thrown by my good friend, Censie, over at Building Our Story and of course celebrating Father's Day. I'm working on getting a hand made gift for both Hubby and my dad. Also this Saturday I'm going to go and get a manicure and pedicure and relaxing after a crazy week of being sick.


  1. Silent labor...ha!! ;) I wouldnt want you in pain - so dont take it that way...just jealous! lol

  2. I know. Everyone hates me because of it. Truthfully I wouldn't mind if the silent labor was true for this baby too even if that means laboring in the car on the long drive to the hospital.


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