The first one is believing that God created us to crave. He created us to crave HIM! God doesn't create something that is bad or evil. The world just turns it that way. So what I'm going to remember is that God created me to crave and that I'm to be craving more time with Him. My plan is every time I have a craving (whether it be food or something else like new shoes) I'm going to spend time in prayer and talking to God before I fulfill that craving. I want to have all my needs met but I know that I can not do that alone, only God can fill me up completely.
The second one is that satan uses 3 ways to get me to crave things outside of God and he tempted Jesus the same way. 1st with "cravings: meeting physical desires outside the will of God." 2nd with "lust of the eyes: meeting material desires outside the will God God." 3rd with "boasting: meeting needs for significance outside the will of God." I realized that cravings is the hardest for me to past up. It's just to easy to grab something to eat that is not healthy and that really doesn't do anything for me but in a close second would be the material things. I love buying new clothes, shoes, toys, household items, anything for myself or my family. It really is a lot of fun to head out and buy new things and then come home and share them with the people I love.
I will be working on those issues with this third point that really stuck out to me. When Jesus was tempted He used Scripture to fight it. This is going to be my new goal. I'm going to ask God to lead me to Scripture that I can use against any temptation that I'm faced with. One of the questions in the book asks if I have even done this before and how it worked out and at first I was thinking, "No, not really" but then I remember what I do with Rex. When Rex started his two stage we sat down and read Ephesians 6:1-2 and now whenever he starts acting up I ask him, "Do you remember what we read in God's book? He said you need to listen to Mommy and Daddy" and his behavior normally turns around. Sometimes it takes several times in 10 minutes but it gets him thinking and it brings God into the situation and I get less frustrated with him. It's a win all the way around. I figure if Scripture can turn a 2 year old's behavior around than it should be able to change my behavior too.
So my plan after reading Chapter 1 in Made to Crave:
- Spend time in prayer whenever I'm having a craving and I will not make a decisions without first taking time to reflect on it.
- I will remember the three ways that temptation comes
- I will use Scripture to defect temptation
Please tell me your experiences with using Scripture in your life to defeat things you were struggling with or any thoughts you have about what I said.
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