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Week #2 on THM

Well it's officially the end of week 2 on Trim Healthy Mama! I have tried some more new recipes from the book and from pinterest and I'm having so much fun with it. I also order some xylitol online to save money. I didn't realize how much sweetener I would be using but when you can make sweets for any meal or snack through out the day you can use quite a bit.

Favorite Meals this week

  • E pancakes from the book! Yum! I added in frozen berries to them while cooking and they were great and the boys loved them too. They got to have the added whipped cream or syrup on theirs.
  • Fat Stripping Frappa! OMGOSH! This is going to be my go to summer morning drink! I can see myself making one of these up first thing in the morning to get my day going and then enjoying a yummy breakfast 3 hours later. Soon as warm weather hits Hubby's schedule will be packed full daily so my mornings will start early, like 5am early! So having a breakfast at 8:30 will be perfect timing!
  • Cheese danish for sure one of the best things I made this week! They were delicious and I'm so glad that I can make them in a healthy way instead of having to cheat if I wanted one.
  • Qwen's Nest pizza dough was great! Even Hubby who does not like to eat anything slightly healthy when it comes to certain foods like this! I'm excited to start up family pizza and movie night again!
Successes this week
  • Had very few cheats. I have had a handful of M&M's and an afternoon snackfest but when those happen I know I can start again in 3 hours. And most of the time when this happens its because I wasn't prepared or didnt't know what to eat. This will fix itself as I learn more and weed out food like M&M's.
  • All my main dinners were on plan! How great is that! No eating out this week. Even at my Wednesday church group potluck I was able to put together a pretty healthy S meal!
  • Family Time! Once we moved to OK we started having regular family movie nights. We always had homemade pizza and it was what the boys looked forward to each week, Well life happens and I started eating differently and it just kind of stopped. Then Big Hero 6 came out and I was hearing good things about it so I decided it was time to start it back up again. I'm glad I did and it will be happening again next week as tomorrow I will be getting the next batch of dough started!
  • I lost 2 more pounds! My plan was to not weigh myself all month but that's just not going to happen. I want to know that I'm making progress. I know I'm making better choices but if I'm not losing pounds or inches I know that I'm doing something wrong and I don't want to wait a whole month to find that out.
So I'm doing well for week 2 and I wouldn't even say I have any failures. I would say I struggled with a good bedtime. But I crave desserts at night and I'm sticking to the 3 hour rule which means staying up way too late and having tired days following. So next week I plan to enjoy my sweets during the day, eat a smaller dinner and enjoy right after dinner or not at all.

Goals for next week!
  • Have more prepared snacks so I'm less tempted to cheat.
  • Read further into the book. I know I still have a lot to learn and I've got to make finishing the book a higher priority! 
Click here for week one!


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