Week 6 I did pretty good. The 4 am workouts were starting to wear on me so I decided to try and get a workout in after my hubby left for work but before the kids got up. Some days that went OK and other days not so well. I did however get several workouts in with the boys awake and they went pretty well. Monkey tired to join in with me and it was quite fun to watch. Of course he couldn't keep up with the workouts and took many breaks but it was fun to have him involved. This week I plan to do cardio days at 4 am in the gym because they are easier than trying to complete in the house. But for the non-cardio days I will do them in the house in the morning. That way I'm not completely exhausted everyday.
Now for week 7. I have no idea even what the workouts were for last week. I didn't even look once! I have good reason though. My hubby had this night job that seemed like it was never going to end. Then to make matters worse he had to fire one of his guys. I saw how hard he was struggling to get the job done and it was actually something that I could help with so I reached out to some friends and family for help. I have to say I have some AWESOME friends. They took my boys overnight for 2 days and even kept them through part of the morning so I could get some sleep. My dad stayed at our house 2 nights so I could work as well. Then I had friends willing to take my boys during the day if I really needed rest. It was amazing to see the support that was around us to get this never ending job completed! So I worked 44 hours in 5 days (I skipped a day because I didn't have a babysitter so it really is 4 days of work). I was sanding, painting, running the stairs to get tools they needed, grabbing food, cooking food, running to Home Depot, making coffee and cleaning! Lots and lots of cleaning! And here's the thing...after doing all this I weighed in today 3 pounds LESS and 1 inch SMALLER! Of course my eating and sleeping were completely off. I wasn't just up all night working. I was up most of the day with the boys as well. So even though I didn't get any "official" workouts in I worked my butt off and apparently it paid off. So now I just need to make sure that I don't end up gaining it back this week as I try to catch up on sleep.
It's suppose to be pretty nice all week so I'm hoping that I can get some outside workouts in whether it's just walking or maybe even attempting to doing some jogging. It will all depend on how I feel and how the boys are doing.
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