Anticipating my hubby's needs are one of the basic ways I can show Christ's love through me. Something as basic as refilling his drink when it is getting empty, especially on after a really hard day at work. Even making sure that the house is picked up before he returns home from work because I know that clutter gives him anxiety. These are just basic things but can make a meaningful impact.
There can be really powerful opportunities to show love as well. I just went through that this week with my hubby. He had this job that seemed like it was never going to end. It was suppose to take 4 to 5 days and on day 7 he showed up to the job site and had to fire one guy, another guy was so late he thought he might have quit and his third guy was spending the weekend with his son and wouldn't be to work until late that evening. So he was at there and was feeling like he would never complete the job now that he was by himself.
Once I heard what was going on I sprung into action. I called my parents and asked them to babysit (luckily it was Sunday) and I got in my work clothes and headed to the job. That day I worked 15 hours straight! The four of us worked until 4:30 in the morning. We still didn't get enough accomplished so I reached out to my support system and ended up working 3 more nights with them.
I busted my butt all 44 hours I was on the job. From sanding walls, to painting walls, to cleaning offices. Everything I did I poured my heart into. I also made homemade chocolate chip cookies to take with us to give the guys an extra boost of something sweet. I brought a coffee pot and cans of Chef Boyardee so we could have caffeine and food to get us through the night. I made sure all the guys had everything they needed throughout the night. I was like the team cheerleader!
It was actually really fun. The best part for me was being able to see when my hubby was feeling beat down and being there to encourage him to keep moving. Giving him hugs and kisses. Sharing encouraging words with him to keep him moving forward. Helping him when he was feeling exhausted and not wanting to go on by being there to take over whenever I could.
I truly think that it gave our marriage a boost! Being able to spend time together in a different environment from our usual at home with the kids or a date night. And he even said that he found me more attractive with drywall dust in my hair and paint on my jeans than any lingerie he's seen me in! Not a bad compliment if I do say so myself!
Being able to make the sacrifice of losing sleep and being there for my hubby showed him a tremendous amount of love and turned a work week from hell into a work week of love. He knew that if he called upon me I would try my hardest to make it possible. He also saw the caring hearts of my friends that he tends to not care for, not for who they are but because of their beliefs. We all know those Christians out there that are hypocritical, legalistic, or just trying to be nice to convert you. Those attributes you can't hide for long before they start to shine through and that's been his main exposure in his life. He tends to not trust the motives of Christians. The friends that helped us out this week we've know since Monkey was about 9 months old and I think he is starting to realize that they really do have a caring heart and they aren't just being nice to convert him. This was another bonus to helping out. It wasn't just me that showing love through this time!
So remember when you have an unbelieving husband there are many small ways that you can show your love and Jesus' love each day but don't miss out on the big opportunities too! Please share with me if you have an unbelieving husband at home with you and ways you show your love each day. I will also join you in prayer for your husband salvation!
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