Do you think you are hot?
Yes I do! Have you been outside lately! Haha! But yes I think that I look good most of the time. I try really hard to be positive about my looks because it really helps me have better days plus I try and remember what 1 Peter 3:3,4 says. " Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." This is definitely something that is new for me that I'm working on but I don't want to live by the standards of this world I want to live by God's standards.
Upload a picture or wall paper that you are using at the moment?
When was the last time you ate chicken?
Umm...I think a few nights ago but can't really remember but we will be eating it tonight!
The song/songs you listened to recently?
Umm...I don't think I have had the radio on for several days. Without having a car to drive I don't really listen to much music. I do always have a Celtic CD playing in Rex's room that we can hear through the whole house when his door is open.
Do you have any nickname? What are they?
Kariberrie from Miah.
Tag 8 bloggers...
Don't have 8 bloggers to tag but I was tagged so I was told I had to do this.
Yes I do! Have you been outside lately! Haha! But yes I think that I look good most of the time. I try really hard to be positive about my looks because it really helps me have better days plus I try and remember what 1 Peter 3:3,4 says. " Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." This is definitely something that is new for me that I'm working on but I don't want to live by the standards of this world I want to live by God's standards.
Upload a picture or wall paper that you are using at the moment?
When was the last time you ate chicken?
Umm...I think a few nights ago but can't really remember but we will be eating it tonight!
The song/songs you listened to recently?
Umm...I don't think I have had the radio on for several days. Without having a car to drive I don't really listen to much music. I do always have a Celtic CD playing in Rex's room that we can hear through the whole house when his door is open.
Do you have any nickname? What are they?
Kariberrie from Miah.
Tag 8 bloggers...
Don't have 8 bloggers to tag but I was tagged so I was told I had to do this.
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