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Summer Fun: Tent Edition!

It's finally looking like summer here instead of a coming flood! Oklahoma has had one wet spring with a ton of storms and LOTS and LOTS of rain! The ground is drying out but still soft and the weather is actually nice enough to enjoy the outside in the morning without a sweatshirt. Of course this means that by afternoon it turning into hot, humid and miserable when we all desire to be indoors. So it's time to start switching our schedule around a bit. School now is being moved to the afternoon and the morning is time for play!

This is how I decided to spend our first day of nice weather while at home!

As we have been going through our things to prepare for the tiny house move I have started to think through things that we might still want to keep but re-purpose. These sheets have been sitting in our closet for several years. I have one pair of favorite sheets and I tend to wash them and put them right back on so having many sheets is just pointless. I can't even remember the last time I used the green or brown sheets on each end. And since I no longer need them it didn't matter that I had to stretch them to fit over the swing set. The other sheets I was debating. The snowman sheets are so soft and the newest next to the ones we have on our bed so I figured I'd keep only that as a spare but we NEVER use the top sheet. Neither Hubby or I like top sheets so should I keep it? It's been sitting in the maybe pile and I finally decided yesterday that there was no need to keep it so as I was building our tent I figured that it would be perfect to add to the tent.

In case you really care to know how I built it here is what I did. Our swing set isn't in the ground so I was able to just lift up the poles and put the two fitted sheets under them and then stretched them over to the top. The two top sheets I just safety pinned to the other sheets and each other. And then because of the wind we suffer from here in Oklahoma I put the two metal rods we had laying around to hold it to the ground. This made it so they could still easily swing under and it kept the sheet from flying away. Of course now we just have to figure out how to keep the dogs out of it!

While I was typing this up the boys discovered another way to make it fun! Who knew the tent could become a car ramp to race on too! Gotta love how making a little effort to make something fun can lead to the boys discovering new ways to play!


  1. This is too fun! Great job, you Godly Mama, in recognizing the need to pour FUN into their lives and not just get things done! I am proud of you, and those boys are happy to call you "mom"!


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