Day One Set Up
It's only been two weeks since we've brought our chicks home from the store and I'm amazed at how fast they have grown! I swear that each day they change. They grow new feathers, they grow bigger, and they are now learning how to fly! I'm amazed at just how much they change each day.
2nd day home. So tiny!
But the most amazing thing about the chicks is the responsibility that Monkey has taken on by caring for them. Every morning he is up giving them clean food and water. A few hours later more food and water. A few more hours he's at it again. Having so many chicks requires lots and lots of feeding and watering throughout the day. Thank goodness we are home to care for them!
5 days after we got chicks Aunt M got some new chicks.
Had to expand the chick coop.
The older chickens are still my responsibility but I think that once the chicks make there way out to the big coop that Monkey will start helping me care for them as well. He will start to learn how to feed them, how to water them, and how to clean the coop. He will learn how to know if they are "brooding" and when to take eggs and when to leave them. I'm so excited to see him grow in caring for these birds. They have 4 to 6 more weeks inside before they brave the new coop with the big chickens! By then we should know how many are hens and how many are roosters. Hoping for hens of course!
1 1/2 weeks home and needed a larger home so the outside toy box became their new home.
By the time these littles get outside it will be time to get our next lot from the store. This time we will wait to get only hens. No more straight runs for us. We need egg layers!
2 weeks old! They are huge and don't stop moving! They are learning to fly and have a ton of new feathers.
**While I was typing this up and working on our pictures we had our very first attempt to escape from a chick! We will now be keeping the screens on top of the box at all times! No loose chicks allowed in this house!**
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