So I explained in part one how downsizing my clothes has helped me not be so overwhelmed when it comes to tackling the monumental task that laundry holds in my life. And of course you saw my closet and know that I have plenty of work to do to make that situation even better. As promised I will now share what has made the most difference in my taking back my life from laundry.
I have Hubby to thank for this change. He's reading a lot about tiny houses as we prepare for building ours and making the transition into our own tiny house. He really is trying to convince me that we don't need a nice front loading washer and dryer. That a small one like we have now is big enough but I still disagree even with the changes we made. Currently the one we have is working but barely. It holds just enough to make it our current life work but what about when baby number 3 makes an appearance? Or number 4 if I can convince him to keep going? Plus our boys are going to keep growing which means that their clothes are going to get larger. Right now our washer fits perfectly the clothes they are in now but as their clothes grow it will no longer work. But on to the good stuff and I'll still keep working on him about needing a larger washer and dryer.
I've been doing this now for two weeks and I've gotten into a pretty good routine with it now. One day I did forget to wash clothes until it was too late to get them on the clothesline but the next day it only required an extra load to get done. Nothing I couldn't handle and there was no back log of laundry. This has seriously saved my life when it comes to laundry. It's one less thing that I feel like I have to catch up on or keep up on. It's always caught up unlike those darn dishes that I'm still struggling to get into a pattern with to make handwashing not such a chore. **Read more here and here about why I'm handwashing dishes**
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