Not only do I have to wash them though. That would be the easy part! I then have to fold them and put them all away. Of course I can get Monkey and Goose to start helping with this task and I do have them help but some days that's more hassle than my mommy brain can handle.
I have never had a solution to this problem. I figured as a mom who is in charge of laundry it would just always be there haunting me. And of course there will always be laundry. Unless we all of a sudden become so rich that we only have to wear things once and then donate them or of course hire someone to actually do the laundry for me. But the chances of that happening are not in my favor.
Preparing to move to the tiny house has really helped us start to clean out unnecessary things as well as stuff we have too much of. The closet is one of the first places I tackled. I knew I could get through a portion of our clothes as a beginning step. And it was easy. I knew I still had work to do but it was a start. Now I have actually gone through my clothes twice now and I knew that more will be going again soon.
For the first step of tackling my long dreaded laundry task is to downsize what's actually in my closet. If I only own so many clothes then the laundry can't pile up so high and become overwhelming because I will run out of clothes before that happens. I'm not there yet!
As you can see just from Hubby and I's closet (and this doesn't even show our overflowing dresser) we have a lot of work to still do but I have a plan for that. We own two colors of hangers. Black and White. So I changed all our clothes to the white hangers because we had the most of them. Then every time I wash and hang up clothes I use the black hangers. This will show us what clothes we favor and make the next batch of donate much easier to choose and probably a much larger pile.
Having less clothes will help me keep a handle on the laundry situation. But the biggest and best change I have made will be talked about next! So come back and see that really allowed me to take back my life from laundry!
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