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Books I Read This Week!

I really want to focus on reading much more than I currently do. I read here and there. I'm currently trying to read through the whole Bible and it's been pretty slow lately. It wasn't until I picked up The Selection about a week ago that I realized how much time I actually had to read. I became addicted to know what happened next in the series and I couldn't wait for the books to come in from the library. Thanks to my friend over at Building Our Story for posting a review on the series. To be honest I was desperate for a book and I didn't even read the whole review. I just put a hold request at the library and waited for it to come in.

Books I Finished This Week

The Elite and The One 

It took me a while to get into the first book. I've read so many "in the future books" and Hubby loves watching shows based on "in the future" themes that I'm getting a bit bored with them. But the more time I spent reading it the more I got hooked and then I had to finish the other books as quickly as possible.

This week I finished both The Elite and The One within three in a half days. I sat outside by the pool while the boys played. I sat next to Hubby as he watched TV and I stayed up way to late several days just to get through the books. I was hooked. Keira Cass did a great job making this "in the future" themed book different from anything I has read or watched. It was a great love story that isn't perfect. There were a few parts that seemed like it dragged on but over all they were great fast reads for the summer laying next to the pool. I plan on completing the series with The Heir as soon as it becomes available at the library.

Books I Plan to Finish Next Week

The Book of Jeremiah from the Bible

Once I realized just how much time I devoted to reading these books I knew that I could do better that what I have been so I'm making a goal to finish at least one book each week on top of my Bible reading. This seems reasonable. I neglected many responsibilities, dishes, sweeping, moping, cleaning the bathroom, etc. this week by doing pretty much nothing but reading these books. I want a happy medium so this is my first goal. So this week I've been working on the book of Jeremiah. I plan to have it finished by the end of next week.

The Brainy Bunch
brainy bunch book, home schooling success
I've picked up this book before and got about half way through it but then we moved to OK and it belonged to the library. Someone from my homeschool group here in OKC asked if anyone had read it so we could discuss it so I picked it up again and I plan to finish it before we meet next week.

52 Things Kids Need From a Mom

Once again I got this suggestion from Why Be Merely Human. Stacey is a close friend of mine with 4 kiddos so I know that if she is spending time reading this book it will be a great book to read. I plan on reading a new chapter each day next week since I'm wanting to finish The Brainy Bunch first.

I would love to have some suggestions on some fun books to add to my reading list as well. I have so many "learning books" that I want to read but I love adding in some fun "non-thinking" books as well.


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