If you read my post about the children's books we read this week you know I had a crazy week of catch up from last weekend, working with Hubby and driving the 30 minutes to and from church twice a day to get Monkey to and from camp. It was busy! Even through all that and using my one child only time to get some much needed minimizing done in the boys room I was able to get through some reading. I'm glad that I was able to enjoy some down time reading too.
Books I Read This Week
The Brainy Bunch
I have read part of this book before we made the move to OK because the idea really interested me. I'm not sure that my boys will start college at age 12 like this family but by mid-teens I could see them dual enrolled in some course at the local college. The beginning of the book was hard for me to get through. I like hearing about their story and how they got where they are in life but I really picked it up for more of how they accomplished it. I skimmed through the beginning again since I had already read most of it before our move and then was so excited when I reached the back when they actually explained how they have accomplished children in college by 12. What I took was that they really took to heart what homeschooling is all about. It's not about "doing school" at home. It's about creating a learning environment in your home. Making the most out of every learning opportunity and teaching the children what they want to learn about. I can really see this being successful in our home. I'm not a box curriculum type of girl. I'm a "Oh you found a turtle? Let's learn what kind, what they eat, where they live, etc." I know they have to accomplish so much so I know that I'm going to have to get comfortable with some lists and some structure in our house but that's part of life. For now we can continue on adding a little at a time and enjoy the fun learning moments more.
Books I Plan to Finish This Week

"I know, LORD, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course. So correct me, LORD, but please be gentle. Do not correct me in anger, for I would die." - Jeremiah 10:23-24
52 Things Kids Need From a Mom
I have spent very little time with this book this week but I did get a few chapters read. The chapters are short and sweet and right to the point of ways that you can really make an impact on your kids lives. I love her suggestions and ideas so far. I love that making simple traditions mean the world to kids. As they grow they know that they are loved by the little gestures we make everyday. I love thinking about little ways that I can make my boys know that I love them that I can continue throughout their lives. This book I plan to finish this week.
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