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Baby Bumpdate: Week 36

This is the only belly bump photo I have to post today. 

Week 36! Today I have exactly one month until my due date. And the last few days of week 35 were eventful!

This Saturday I lost my mucus plug and it freaked me out! I didn't know that it happened with Monkey so I have no experience with it. So when it happened this time just a few hours before my sprinkle, I freaked out thinking that I might go into labor at any time. 

Lucky for me I have a really good friend that is studying to be a midwife and has 3 kids of her own that I was able to call and ask questions about in hopes to calm my nerves. She was awesome! She let me know that it still could be a month before I gave birth (thank goodness, so not ready!) and gave me some other signs to watch for.

So Saturday evening I got everything I could done. I unpacked and put away everything I could from my sprinkle. I got the stroller put together with some help from Hubby and got it in the car. I was pleased with what I accomplished and planned to get more done on Sunday. 

Well in the middle of the night (I'm still on the couch because it has been the only place I can sleep with this cold) I started to get shooting pains along my hips and back. So I moved back into the bedroom. There I was only able to sleep for about an hour at a time. I just couldn't get comfortable. 

Once I woke up I was in so much pain I was almost in tears at times. I could barely walk and the shooting pains were worse. Then I also found out that I can't lift anything! I tried to carry a laundry basket of clean clothes maybe 20 steps and I had to stop half way and put it down because I was in so much pain. This is when I called the midwife. It just didn't feel right to be in such pain.

Well, she told me that this was normal. That my body is just preparing for birth and my hips are moving. She said that each pregnancy can be more and more painful. She told me to take Tylenol if I wanted/needed to but other than that just to rest and call if it gets any worse. She also said that hopefully baby Goose would just join us soon so the pain would go away. Yes! That's right this is a sign of labor and that it could happen at any point or I could have this pain for another month!

So I had to crumble up my to-do list for Sunday and thrown in the trash. I felt defeated. How am I suppose to be ready for labor and baby any day now when I'm just suppose to rest. Doesn't she know that I have a huge list of things still to get done. For instance, the bassinet is torn apart and needs to be washed and sown back together plus all of our big baby stuff: bath tub, swing, etc. is still packed in storage. Our bedroom still needs to be moved around to make room for the bassinet. Plus I have boxes that I have in the living room that need to be unpacked so I can make room for the big items that need to be brought home. 

Sunday was a restful day but also productive. I was able to get all the laundry done and put away, I packed some more items in my hospital bag, and I got all the breast pump stuff together to get washed and packed this week. 

And today I have a plan to get more stuff done too along with resting. Monkey is having a friend over this morning to play so we will spend the morning outside playing in the pool before the temperature reached 102 (yuck!) and then once I take him home after lunch we will have nap time and then it will be time to play inside the rest of the day. This is when I will sit on the floor and get some things done with the boxes in the living room. Hubby is prepared to take them to storage tonight and to grab some big items while we are there. 

Here's to hoping that I can get everything done on my baby to-do list before Goose joins us. Since we don't know when that will be I will just have to add a few things each day to get done and hope that's enough. Most important thing is that Goose and I are healthy and that I can keep Monkey healthy and entertained in the process.


  1. I would be freaked out if I lost my mucus plug too- I never lost mine with my daughter. Thank god you were able to get the info you needed to calm your nerves.


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