This currently is Monkey's favorite book. We have to read it every day before naptime and bedtime. I have tried to convince him to read something else and it's just not happening. I'm about ready to return it to the library just to stop reading it.
Don't get me's a great book. Really, it's super cute and is one that will help teach Monkey about imaginary things. Obviously, the fact that there are aliens flying space ships here to steal our underwear is fictitious. Then to add that they saved our world by sewing all the underwear together to stop a meteorite from destroying our planet, which would be there underwear supply, is also fictitious.
These things are the things that make this book so fun for Monkey. At three he enjoys reading many books that are about real things that interest him such as bugs and animals. I try to always pick books from the library that he can learn from but I also go through and pick out books such as Aliens in Underpants Save the World to promote his learning the imaginary. I find that just as important as learning about real life things.
If you are looking for a cute story for your kids to enjoy this is one I would highly recommend. It is adorable and I loved reading it to Monkey the first 20 or so times. Now though I'm just sick of it. Hopefully we can move on to a new book soon or have another library day soon so we can return it.
Don't get me's a great book. Really, it's super cute and is one that will help teach Monkey about imaginary things. Obviously, the fact that there are aliens flying space ships here to steal our underwear is fictitious. Then to add that they saved our world by sewing all the underwear together to stop a meteorite from destroying our planet, which would be there underwear supply, is also fictitious.
These things are the things that make this book so fun for Monkey. At three he enjoys reading many books that are about real things that interest him such as bugs and animals. I try to always pick books from the library that he can learn from but I also go through and pick out books such as Aliens in Underpants Save the World to promote his learning the imaginary. I find that just as important as learning about real life things.
If you are looking for a cute story for your kids to enjoy this is one I would highly recommend. It is adorable and I loved reading it to Monkey the first 20 or so times. Now though I'm just sick of it. Hopefully we can move on to a new book soon or have another library day soon so we can return it.
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