I'm linking up with Growing up Geeky with Toddle Along Tuesday. I love that there are themes to write about now. This week it is what you love about your child(ren).

Having a 2 year old that is full of energy there are some days I have to remind myself of all the things I love. Those days are normally pretty far apart and most days I can just look at him and melt.
So I love...
- The way he always uses his manners. "Please" "Thank you" "Welcome" "God Bless You" and on we are still working on "Excuse Me"
- When he curls up in bed and say "I want to cuddle" and before I leave his room he makes sure and says "I love you Mommy"
- That he's so intuitive. He can tell what I'm feeling and cares about how I'm feeling too
- That he enjoys spending time with his Popa so much
- That he can find humor in almost anything
- That he loves to read and will just go up to his room and spend hours just looking at books
- That he is so excited about learning and loves preschool time
- It when he prays. He still copy's what I say but he knows to start them with "Dear God" or "Dear Jesus" and end them with "Amen" and he always has a huge smile on his face during his prayers
- That we are at an age where he's starting to potty train! Big milestone!
I think I could keep going and going. I think the most important thing that I love about Monkey is that he is so kind and has so much love for everyone and shows his family so much love at just 2 years old. I can see God being able to use him for some big things in his future.
I think tonight I'm going to send up an extra prayer of thanksgiving to God for giving me the child that I so longed for.
Thank you Toddle Along Tuesday for giving me a chance to sit down and really think about all the things I love about Monkey. It's always nice to remember why I work so hard every day.
So cute! :O) Hearing words come out of their little mouths are so cute!
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing wrong with going on and on and on! He is too cute :)