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Toddle Along Tuesday: Independence

So Rex has entered the stage of self-reliance, independence, self-entertained...whatever you want to call it.

I wasn't sure that I was ready for him to be at this stage yet because that means he's growing up. I think every mom wishes they could stay little longer than they do. God has another plan laid out though and we only get to keep them for 18 short years.

Just a cute little picture of my big 'little' guy!

This stage (like every stage) comes with it's perks and it's challenges. 

Some of the perks are that he can entertain himself and I don't have to worry about what he is doing every second. He also can clean up his own messes (still with encouragement from Mom) that he makes while entertaining himself. He can express his needs in full sentences and with manners too! If I'm prepared he can get himself his milk cup out of the fridge and his own snack. This is especially helpful on days that I'm watching the baby and he always wants something as soon as I start feeding her. Also weekends are great even though he wakes up at 7am. He just keeps his door closed, turns on the light and plays until he hears us wake up around 9am. He opens his door with a big smile and says, "You wake a up?" and is excited to get the day started. All of those things listed really help make the challenges easier to deal with.

So the challenges are that he is 2 and we all hear about the terrible things they do. Here are some that I can think of...talking back, throwing fits to get his way, shorter naps, bigger messes.... This must have been a good day because normally I feel like that list can go on and on and it's pretty short right now. 

Overall I'm excited for this milestone and I'm trying my hardest to stay consistent with his discipline and making sure he has to follow my rules so that the terrible parts of him being to are limited and not consume most of our days. 

That being said the hubby and I have to sit down tomorrow night while Rex is with his Popa so we can figure out some new discipline techniques to try. The ones I'm using during the day are just not cutting it and I'm not OK with Daddy having to come home after working all day and be the bad guy because Rex isn't listening to Mommy. Hope we can figure something out that works better!

Come follow along for Toddle Along Tuesday and share your child's milestone!


  1. Cleaning up his own messes?! Wow, I am jealous, Momma! How fantastic :)


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