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I'm taking the challenge!

I'm taking the challenge and I'm going to talk about the subject many people hush about! SEX! Normally this would be completely outside my comfort zone (truthfully not sure I will post this as I'm typing) but I figure why not?!? 

Being married makes it OK to talk about! We get so much from media that maybe it's about time that more people talk about the appropriated subjects of Sex! 

First, let me start off by saying I did not wait until I was married. Looking back I wish I did because I have baggage, my hubby has baggage, and truthfully this subject has been the main topic of the majority of our fights for the past 5 years. 

Just recently I started caring more about what I was wearing to bed just like Mrs. T, Naturally is talking about.  I'm sure must men would love it if their wives went to bed wearing something like this ------------------>  (I know my hubby would) however when you have little ones around (and older ones) is this really what you want to or appropriated wear to bed to sleep in? No. I do think getting dressed up in something more fun is great to do but just not something practical to do every night. Most nights I slept in something similar to what Bella Swan (mentioned on another blog and made me think about it) is said to be wearing. And really do we think our husbands find this attractive? 

I don't see my husband thinking that is too hot at all. Grated I think there might be times for these kinds of clothes (maybe when Aunt Flo visits) but we really should put more effort into our appearance both day and night. I wrote a post the other day about Frumpy or Fabulous, mostly directed to mom's that stay home, and why should we just try to look nice when our hubby comes home from work? He worked hard, is making sacrifices for the family to be better off, shouldn't we make an effort to show him we care about him? Everyday he gets up and works hard at work and then comes home and fixes things around the house or plays with the Rex while I go walking. This shows how much he loves me so I should step it up a bit and look nice.  

I'm not saying that nice has to be uncomfortable. The 'nightgowns' that I bought are really comfortable and flattering and also nice for the hubby. My nightgowns by no means look like this ---------------------> but instead are similar to this one.

 I have some long and some short. I love them! I can wear them around anywhere in the house and not worry about someone walking by and getting an eye full but my hubby still gets enough from my cute choices. 

Second, I would like to just make a point. God created us! He created us as sexual beings!  We were made to enjoy sex and celebrate love through it. Why would he give us this and then make it shameful? Well he didn't! Everything HE does is for GOOD so SEX must be GOOD if HE made it! So let's all get out there and talk more openly about SEX and the fact that it is good! We can talk about it in a Godly way and let the youth of this world know that it is worth waiting for! That God created it to be between a husband and wife and that they can experience that love and connection that God intended just by waiting! Let's not let the world tell us what we should see, feel, do but let's tell the world the TRUTH! 

Linking up today with Mrs. T Naturally with her conversations about SEX!


  1. Great post! I think you raise a really interesting point about there being such shame around sex and that sex in marriage is nothing to be shamed about.

  2. I have learned a lot in the last few months that their is shame around so many things that God didn't create shameful. I love the fact that Mrs. T gave me an opportunity to write about sex and the importance of being open with it!

  3. I agree however, make sure that you are taking care of yourself too. I believe that husbands should also serve their wives. Even though you do not go to work, you do work at home by raising Rex. Husbands should serve the stay at home moms too and working moms. That being said - what should a hubby wear to bed! lol ;)

  4. I think the hubby should where whatever we find attractive!

  5. Thankfully my husband doesn't care what I wear to bed, but I know what he prefers. I was fortunate enough to find someone who did wait until we were married to have sex (I did as well) and it was the best decision we'd ever made.

  6. My husband doesn't really care either I just know what he prefers and I try to wear something that I am comfortable with and something that he will like also. Good for you on waiting! I'm hearing that more and more and glad! Maybe that will become the norm again!

  7. OK, ok your girls are making me REALLY rethink my jammie choices! I'll go shopping soon, I PROMISE! LoL And also is that picture BELLA from Twilight?! Wait...should I have announced that I knew that?? Thanks for checking out my blog too! ;0)

  8. Hello! Isn't it hilarious that being married makes it okay to talk about sex openly, but we still have to give ourselves a little pep talk before posting about it?! Anyway, very cute, and I'm loving your idea about nightgowns (not matronly, "hey, I'm over 60" nightgowns, but pretty, girly ones). Thank you for your sweet comment about my sex post!

    <3 your newest follower!


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