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Benefits to Rising Early!

Normally at this time of the morning I would still be sleeping. Not sound asleep but still sleeping. Of course that's because I'm a night owl and love staying up late. I know there are many more benefits to rising early than staying up at night but it's hard not to just enjoy the peace and quiet of the night curled up on the couch vegging out watching my favorite shows.

But everything is different now! I've changed my schedule and although today is only day 2 I'm loving it! I have found so many benefits to rising early!

First look at the list I have already completed this morning and it's only 7:15!
  • 45 Minute Cardio Workout Complete
  • Breakfast for the hubby before he left for work
  • Showered, Dressed, Hair Dried and Make-up on (make-up never happens)
  • Bed Made
  • Laundry in the washer
  • Laundry from yesterday folded and put away
  • Dishwasher unloaded and reloaded (my goal is to never have dishes in my sink in the morning, still catching up)
  • This blog post written and posted
I was lucky if I completed this in a normal day when I stayed up late. I always woke up exhausted and pretty much not wanting to do anything but the bare minimum I had to do to get through the day. I'm loving this!

The other great benefit I realized today is in my workout. When I was working out at 9 pm I was tired. I wouldn't push myself hard and if I was too tired I'd either cut my workout short or switch from the elliptical to the bike for a lighter workout. But this morning when my alarm went off I REALLY wanted to push the snooze button and head back to sleep. Wait who am I kidding! I wanted to turn off the alarm completely and sleep until the boys woke up. But instead I got up (my alarm is across the room) grabbed my phone and started to get ready. I had to go! I couldn't skip the gym today! It's only day 2! I knew that if I let myself skip today I would skip tomorrow and I would fall into my bad habits again. 

Once I made it down to the gym I turn Pandora's Pop Cardio Workout all the way up from my tablet and got started. I started out a little on the slow side and debated jumping on the bike. But then I thought to myself...I didn't get up at 4 am to do a half effort workout! I got up a 4 am I better get my butt moving and make it count! I hate early mornings so why would I punish myself by doing an easy workout. So I started pushing myself a little harder and I'm happy to say that I made my goal of 4.8 miles in 45 minutes on level 4 again! It was a personal best yesterday so today it was my minimum goal. I felt so accomplished when I came home and was able to tell my hubby how good I did. 

Seriously, I can only imagine what I have missed in the past by sleeping in! Now I am giving myself Sunday's off. I'm going to sleep in (which means 7 or 7:30 when the boys wake up) and then head to church. But it will be my day of rest! I'm so excited to keep this up and see what happens! 

(FYI: I am exhausted this morning. I might sound upbeat and chipper but I'm tired. I've been yawning all through this post. I'm also super excited about what I'm seeing though. I plan to take a nap again today to help me adjust to the change in my schedule but first it's off to the zoo for us on the last warm day here in Colorado in the forecast!)

Do any former night owls have suggestions on how to make early mornings more successful for the long term?


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