So this time around I have fears about giving birth. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I have time to really think about it unlike last time . Early in my pregnancy I had a feeling that this would be a hard one but couldn't figure out why. Then I started to have a very strong feeling that I would end up having a C-section. This is the farthest thing that I want. I want to have an all natural birth just like I did with Monkey. Monkey's birth was so easy and truthfully I don't remember being in pain at all. Now, I would describe birth as being uncomfortable for sure but not painful. My midwife then told me that I was made for child birth because of how well I did. I also found out that I have something called 'silent labor' which means that I don't feel contractions until it's almost time to push. Good for me but also scary because I won't have time to sit in traffic to make it to the hospital. Here I am at 8 centimeters right after...
For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1