The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him".... So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep...he took one of the man's ribs.... Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
Genesis 2:18, 21-22
We were created to be our man's helper! It's a great thing to be because when we help our husbands, we are helping him complete the purpose God had created him for! How awesome is that?
But "being a perfectly fit helper does not make one inferior to the leader." Being a helper just means we are helping our husbands do their jobs-- better!
You may not be the one controlling everything and making the decisions in the house but if your husbands knows he can trust you he's going to come to you and value your opinion. He's going to take on account your feelings and do what is best for everyone!
As Debi Pearl says, "A perfect help meet is one who does not require a list of chores, as a child. Her readiness to please motivates her to look around and see the things she knows her husband would like to see done. She would not use lame exudes to avoid these jobs."
I don't know about you but I'm more of a queen of excuses than a prefect help meet. I look around every day and know that there is that needs to be done for the family as a while not just my hubby and yet I find myself making excuses on why I can't get it done. Most of the time they are just that, excuses! There are times when both kids are sick or Goose has given me a hard time all night (which is happening right now) but they are still excuses!
At the end of this chapter it asks you to think of new ways to be a helper to your husbands and then make it a habit. So mine is to keep the clutter to a minimum and the house clearer. This us a huge thing for my hubby and it has been the big thing I have been making excuses about for the last few months. (The end of pregnancy to the present.) Follow me on Facebook and/or Twitter to keep up with my progress. Remember it takes at least 21 days to make a new behavior a habit so give yourself time and then work to stick with it! Don't do all this hard work to make it a habit just to start making excuses after the 21 days have passed!
Let me know what your new habit is going to be and I will make sure to pray for you through the next 21 days!
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