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What do you do with your photos?

Do you take a lot of pictures? I know I do. I use to not be so bad but then I had Rex and I have a been picture freak most of the time. My husband gets so annoyed with all the pictures I take but at least I don't let them go to waste on my computer and just let them sit there. 

I use Heritage Makers to create wonderful projects that I can display all over my house. Rex loves having books to read about his family and I love how simple it is to create them to preserve our lives. The best part is that it is affordable too! 

You can sign up for a free account and upload some pictures and try it out. You can build projects with the basic account and just pay for the finished project when ready. Or you can sign up for Club HM at the level that works best for your family. I personally am using the Bronze level and only paying $30 per month to have unlimited photo storage, unlimited access to all the template's (4,000+) and all the art work (50,000+). Also in doing so I'm getting 40 points (each point is worth a dollar) added to my account each month which is how you purchase your projects. I save $30 a month this way!

I recently re-made my wedding book because a friend helped me learn techniques to edit them (because our photographer didn't) and I was finally able to make a 20X20 wrapped canvas for my wall. It was a great gift to us to have this after 6 years of hating our wedding photos. Now I have them both displayed in my living room. I also created my pregnancy storyRex's first year bookhis birthday invitations each year so far including his birth announcement. Also the best part about the cards is that you can direct ship them so you never have to write out addresses again or lick stamps.

I have also made wonderful gifts and plan on making more this year. For Father's Day this year I created a calendar from a template for my dad of all his grandkids. I was able to just add my photos, move a few pages around and add our family events and I was done. I also created him a swatch book that he could leave in his work truck to show off to all this clients. For my hubby I created a book called The 10 Reasons We Love You and he loved it. It was great to because he was traveling for work and was able to take this with him easily and remember why he worked so hard and so far away from us. This year for my husband's family I'm creating a family cookbook and including everyone's favorite recipes as well as all of his Great Grandma's recipes as well. I can't wait to see the look on everyone's face when they open it. And the best part about this gift is that I have been paying for it all year long (like a layaway program) so it won't cost me anything but shipping at Christmas time! Love it!

Seriously, check it out! I promise I would not share this much or use this product if I didn't love it. (Just like I have never used other publishing sites before I found HM because I did not like their products or websites). 

I will say this...I am a consultant and I am looking to reach a goal of having three more clients by September 25th but I would not have signed up to sell this if I didn't love it and I didn't use it. I only shared a few of the projects I have made over the past two years. Trust me you don't want to see them all, it would take days for you to look at them all. I truly love this product and site and everything that comes with it.

I have read some disturbing things about similar sites, such as they own the rights to your photos when you upload them and they can use them however they like, which Heritage Makers does not do. Also because this is online you get the most updated version without paying extra, new art work and templates added monthly, online classes that can show you haw to use the site, how to build better projects, and even give you ideas to create more projects. You also don't have to have anything extra downloaded on your computer. No software to buy. If your computer were to crash all your work is saved to the website servers. If your house caught fire or flooded your projects can be replaced easily and for 1/2 the price! 

If you can't tell I really love everything about this site and the wonderful projects that I have created. I will offer a special gift to everyone that signs up for Club HM account this month at my website and if you aren't ready for that and just want to do the free account that is fine too, I will honor this post later when you decide to upgrade. I also plan to do giveaways once I reach 100 followers so tell your friends to come follow along and hopefully I can give something great away before Christmas!

A list of the projects HM offers

  • Storybooks
    • 13X11 Hard-bound Book
    • 12X12 Hard-bound Book 
    • 11.5X8.5 Hard-bound Book
    • 7.5X10 Hard-bound Book
    • 8X8 Hard-bound Book
    • 7X5 Hard-bound Book
    • 5X5 Hard-bound Book
    • 8X8 soft-bound book
  • Cards
    • 5x7 Greeting Card
    • 5X7 Postcard
    • 5X7 Invite
    • 4X6 Greeting Card
    • 4X6 Invite
    • 4X8 Photo Card
    • 5X5 Greeting Card
    • 3 Panel Family Fold
  • Wrapped Canvas'
    • 8X8
    • 8X20
    • 12X12
    • 16X20
    • 20X20
    • 20X24
    • 18X24
    • 18X18
  • Photo Gifts
    • 11X8.5 Calendar
    • 11X16 Calendar
    • 11X14 Print
    • 18X24 Poster
    • Playing Cards (54 cards)
    • Flip book
    • Swatch Book
    • Square Swatch Book
    • 6X9 Wire-bound book (cookbook, day planner...)
  • Digital Scrapbooking
    • 12X12 Scrapbook Page
    • 8.5X11 Scrapbook Page
    • 8X8 Scrapbook Page
    • 12X12 Post-bound book (I'm going to use this to collect Rex's art over the years)
  • Business Supplies
    • Business Cards (single or double sided)
    • 8.5X11 Flyer
    • 6X9 Booklet
    • 8.5X11 Booklet
    • 8.5X11 Wire-bound Book
    • Address labels 
    • 11.5X8.5 Tri-fold flyer


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