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Vacation to Home Again

So I'm not done with my vacation photos yet (by a long shot) but I wanted to share some more true life struggles with everyone. I never want my life to look perfect to anyone because it's not and I know that it never will be as long as I'm here on earth. So here I go...

Vacation was great. The stress of getting everything done before wasn't so great and now coming back isn't all that great either. I love being home and before we left I was in a great routine of being the homemaker that I'm striving to be and caring for my family. Now though it just isn't happening. I have no motivation to do pretty much anything. I just want to lay around and read (which is not something I was able to do on vacation). I have gotten all of the laundry done from our trip, the suit case back to the people we borrowed from, food in the house so we can eat at home, and I was even able to get the vacuuming done throughout the house. That's big accomplishment because of all the dog hair I have to get with it. But there is still so much more. I have no desire to do dishes, not that I had much desire ever before, I really need to dust and I have a bunch of mail and paperwork to get through. These things are just sitting there calling to me to get them done and I just keep saying "I'll do it tomorrow" but then I don't. 

I think I know part of the reason behind all of this. I'm tired! Like extremely exhausted. I'm normally a night owl and can live on just a few hours of sleep as long as I get at least one or two good nights in a week. I have been ready for bed at 8pm! Crazy for me. Then because I'm a night owl I'm not a morning person at all! Lately, I wake up around 6am and I'm wide awake! No more sleep for me. Yet I'm yawning and feel sleepy all day. Rex is also being a handful and requiring much more attention and a watchful eye. (I think he got spoiled on vacation. Grandparents, parents, and a full wait staff where he basically was able to get and do everything he wanted). No it's back to reality and he doesn't seem like he wants to come back. I know I would love to have a full wait staff here at home but that isn't going to happen in this life time. So with being exhausted, having a spoiled 2 year old and a bunch of things around the house calling for my attention I'm struggling to figure out where I need to put my time, which things are the most important, and getting those done. I have to say it is much easier to ignore them all (except Rex) and just curl up on the couch and read. 

I allowed myself last week and this weekend to just be kinda lazy. I didn't try hard to work on things, I did cook and take care of Rex. I was able to exercise most days which was good and in return lost all my vacation weight and an additional few pounds. That was exciting. So today, even though I feel just as tired as every other day, I have got all my coupons cut out and organized, I have made my shopping list, and I even headed out to do the shopping and head to the bank. Of course nothing actually got accomplished because I didn't have my check book to pay the bill at the bank (and of course realized this after I got the kids out of the car) and then Rex was so tired because he was up so early that we never even attempted the store. We came home and Rex napped and if the baby I watched wasn't sleeping we would be heading to the store now. Instead I decided to update you all on what is going on here in my household. Then it's off to get the dishes done, more laundry done and hopefully she will wake up soon so we can head out so I can cook dinner for us tonight. I guess we will find out. 

Tomorrow I plan to post more pictures from our trip so if you are interested you will have to check it out. 


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