I'm currently reading through the bible with a friend and I have been learning a lot. It's amazing what God is teaching me through this time. But today I decided I wanted to watch something on TV but I didn't want it to just be junk so I decided to watch The Bible series. I'm currently watching the first episode. I just had a realization that I had to share.
I just watched the story of Abraham and Sarah. I sat and watched as Sarah denied over and over again that she would carry a child. She didn't believe that God would give her the child He promised Abraham. She got in the way of God's plan and encouraged her husband to have a child with their servant girl.
Then I started thinking about Adam and Eve. The power of a wife. Eve again another woman that encouraged her husband to fall into sin and got in the way of God's plan.
I think sometimes we as wives underestimate the power we have in our relationship with our husband. God created us to be a helper to our husbands.
We have to remember that we were created to live in Eden with Adam and God forever! Of course we know the story of why we aren't living there now. Eve was tricked into committing sin and putting distance between herself and God. She then encouraged Adam, her husband, to follow in her sin. Now Adam had freewill just like she did. He didn't have to take her advice. He didn't have to listen to her. God put Adam in charge and created Eve as his helper. But he didn't know not to trust her. He didn't know any different. He thought she would never cause harm to him so he listened and ate of the forbidden fruit just like she did.
Then there was Abraham and Sarah. Abraham might have had some reason not to trust Sarah because they were living in a fallen world corrupt with sin. But he and Sarah were a team. They worked together and lived a happy life even though Sarah wasn't able to conceive a child. Abraham had to be so excited when God promised him a son and more descendants that the stars. He had to look up at the skies at night and think, 'How is that possible?'
He trusted God to fulfill His promise. But like so many of us we question the time it takes. We question did God really promise us that or did I just think He did. We get impatient. We want what we want and we want it now! I understand! I have many things that I want and that I've wanted for many years now. Almost 10 years ago I heard God speak to me that I was to marry my husband and that He would one day bring Hubby back to Him again. It's been 10 YEARS! I mean seriously? Hasn't it been long enough yet? But I know that God will follow through with His promise to me. I know that I need to keep walking the path He has in front of me and even when I stumble to just keep trudging along.
We need to know as wives that we have the power to tear our husbands down. We have the power to encourage sinful behavior. We have the power to destroy their faith.
But you know what else?
We have the power to lift our husbands up with encouraging words, actions and prayers. We have to power as wives to encourage them to avoid the sinful behaviors that are so easily fallen into. We have to power to help our husbands find God and salvation forever!
We were so young in this picture :)
Then I started thinking about Adam and Eve. The power of a wife. Eve again another woman that encouraged her husband to fall into sin and got in the way of God's plan.
I think sometimes we as wives underestimate the power we have in our relationship with our husband. God created us to be a helper to our husbands.
Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him a helper fit for him." -Genesis 2:18He created wives to help guide our husbands on the right path. He created wives to be there for their husbands all the time. He created wives to help make decisions. He created wives to be someone that husbands can count on for anything. We wives were created for good works in our husbands lives.
We have to remember that we were created to live in Eden with Adam and God forever! Of course we know the story of why we aren't living there now. Eve was tricked into committing sin and putting distance between herself and God. She then encouraged Adam, her husband, to follow in her sin. Now Adam had freewill just like she did. He didn't have to take her advice. He didn't have to listen to her. God put Adam in charge and created Eve as his helper. But he didn't know not to trust her. He didn't know any different. He thought she would never cause harm to him so he listened and ate of the forbidden fruit just like she did.
Then there was Abraham and Sarah. Abraham might have had some reason not to trust Sarah because they were living in a fallen world corrupt with sin. But he and Sarah were a team. They worked together and lived a happy life even though Sarah wasn't able to conceive a child. Abraham had to be so excited when God promised him a son and more descendants that the stars. He had to look up at the skies at night and think, 'How is that possible?'
He trusted God to fulfill His promise. But like so many of us we question the time it takes. We question did God really promise us that or did I just think He did. We get impatient. We want what we want and we want it now! I understand! I have many things that I want and that I've wanted for many years now. Almost 10 years ago I heard God speak to me that I was to marry my husband and that He would one day bring Hubby back to Him again. It's been 10 YEARS! I mean seriously? Hasn't it been long enough yet? But I know that God will follow through with His promise to me. I know that I need to keep walking the path He has in front of me and even when I stumble to just keep trudging along.
We need to know as wives that we have the power to tear our husbands down. We have the power to encourage sinful behavior. We have the power to destroy their faith.
But you know what else?
We have the power to lift our husbands up with encouraging words, actions and prayers. We have to power as wives to encourage them to avoid the sinful behaviors that are so easily fallen into. We have to power to help our husbands find God and salvation forever!
Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct. -1 Peter 3:1-2We as wives have amazing power that we don't realize in our daily activities. Today, right now, stop and pray and ask God to help you realize your power, where you are using it correctly, where you could be using it more, and where you need to stop using it!
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