I have to say that when I first found out that Monkey was a boy I was nervous about how I was going to raise him. I didn't have much exposure to boys growing up or in my babysitting experiences so it was something that was pretty new to me. Most of the experiences I did have as a preschool teacher scared the crap out of me when I thought about it. Boys are crazy and full of energy and rough house all the time so I have to say that I was nervous as Monkey started to get older. Then to find out that I was going to have another first made me even more nervous. All I could see was my boys wrestling through the house and not being able to have anything nice because it would get broken not to mention all the dirt and bugs and other unthinkable things that they might one day bring into the house.
I'm glad to say that that has changed. I love having Monkey and all the great boy experiences. He's so much easier than the experiences I have had with girls. And then to think that he will have a brother to teach new things to and share his energy with is great! I can't wait for Goose to get here and get to an age where I can sit and watch my boys play and explore together. Plus I think it will make homeschooling that much easier because they will have similar interests.
The other day Monkey was being his normal silly self and we were able to capture some of this cuteness on camera. I couldn't imagine having a little girl in place of Monkey like we originally thought. Monkey is just the perfect addition to our family and I know that Goose will be the same because that's what God planned for us. How could it not be perfect?
How could I have been nervous about raising a boy? Look at how cute and adorable he is! Plus he is so creative. This is just one of the ways that he entertains himself when he can't be playing out back. He can find anything around the house and make it into something fun! Seriously, isn't he the cutest boys ever? I wonder if Goose will look like Monkey or if he will come out completely different...guess I have to wait a few more months to find out. He needs to finish baking first ;)
I'm glad to say that that has changed. I love having Monkey and all the great boy experiences. He's so much easier than the experiences I have had with girls. And then to think that he will have a brother to teach new things to and share his energy with is great! I can't wait for Goose to get here and get to an age where I can sit and watch my boys play and explore together. Plus I think it will make homeschooling that much easier because they will have similar interests.
The other day Monkey was being his normal silly self and we were able to capture some of this cuteness on camera. I couldn't imagine having a little girl in place of Monkey like we originally thought. Monkey is just the perfect addition to our family and I know that Goose will be the same because that's what God planned for us. How could it not be perfect?
Have to have at least one with the finger up his nose.
What else do boys do but pick their noses?
How could I have been nervous about raising a boy? Look at how cute and adorable he is! Plus he is so creative. This is just one of the ways that he entertains himself when he can't be playing out back. He can find anything around the house and make it into something fun! Seriously, isn't he the cutest boys ever? I wonder if Goose will look like Monkey or if he will come out completely different...guess I have to wait a few more months to find out. He needs to finish baking first ;)
I'm one of 3 girls and remember feeling the exact same way when I had my son:) Just stumbled upon your blog via TopMommyBlogs...I'm your newest follower:)