M's grandpa has been going crazy being stuck in his house since he got his new power chair. He loves it and wants to go and do everything. The thing is that he has Parkinson's disease and can't head out anywhere on his own because of his memory along with a few other problems he has. Then Grandma has serious back issues that causes her a bunch of pain so she can't take him everywhere he wants to go.

Grandma used Grandpa's chair while we waited for him to come back. It took Grandpa several hours to get back to the zoo because he got lost and then he had to rest before he came back. At least we all enjoyed it.
We saw a peacock trying to mate with all his feathers and glory. It was really cool to watch. He was even shaking his 'tail' feathers. I'm really glad that Rex was able to see the feathers of a peacock. We talk about them when we see them but they never have their feathers up.
In attempt to help out I offered to meet them at the zoo and let them enjoy watching Rex and seeing all the animals.
Of course it had to start out full of drama. Grandma thought that they could bring there dog (very little dog) to the zoo with them. Well the Denver Zoo does not allow animals into the zoo which makes sense to me. So Grandma sent Grandpa home with Flossy. I knew this wouldn't turn out well but I couldn't do much to help since I had two kids with me.
Grandma and I headed in and started to enjoy looking at animals. Grandma had great stories too. She told us about the time that she was in Africa and saw a wild cheetah that was eating and had a baby with her and wouldn't share it. I guess the baby cheetah was to young to eat the meat.
The monkey's were out and playing. Rex really enjoyed watching them climb the ropes and pick bugs off each other.
Sophia enjoyed eating her toes. She's still a little to young to be interested in the animals but maybe by the end of the summer. (She is the little girl I watch a couple days a week to help out a friend.)
Rex played the drums by the monkey habitat. Normally by the time we reach this part Sophia is sleeping so he doesn't get to but this time she was still up.
After Grandpa made it back Rex was able to ride with him. He had to honk at all the animals. Including every bird or squirrel or zoo animal.
Then of course Grandma had to treat Rex to ice cream which he loved and ate with a smile on his face. After ice cream we headed out to the car to get things packed up. But first we had to stop at the gift shop so Grandma could buy him something. He picked out a tiger airplane and then Grandma chose to get him a large giraffe as well. Rex cuddled with that thing for several days and still sleeps with him at night with his dragon too.
I think overall Rex really enjoyed his zoo trip with Granny and Great Popa however I don't think that we will be attempting this again until after Pilot is born. It took a bunch of energy to get through the zoo and the day with 2 kids and 2 grandparents. At least everyone had fun and enjoyed themselves. I can always get sleep and rest another day...someday!
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