I know some mommies that shower with their kiddos and others who almost always shower with their spouses. For me I prefer neither. Shower time for me is a scared time. Not in the prayer way but in the I need a break from everything and recharge kind of way.
I love taking a really hot shower and just relaxing and renewing my energy. I love taking a break from my kids (well at least one, can't really take a break from growing Pilot although he does settle down when I shower) and just enjoying the peace and quiet the bathroom shower brings.
There are many times where my shower and get ready time only lasts as long as a movie can hold Rex's attention and then there are other times like this evening that I jump in the shower after everyone else has gone to bed and I can just enjoy the quiet for as long as the hot water lasts.
I really don't know mommies that enjoy shower time the way that I do and I often wonder if I'm the only one. I know that M would love more shower time with me and Rex loves taking showers with one of us but I just don't enjoy it. Whenever I have to share shower time I feel like my space is being invaded and I avoid it unless time or space requires that I share. I have often wondered how it would feel to enjoy sharing a shower since it is so peaceful to me and maybe that's how all these other mommies feel. I guess for me it will always be my place to escape, even if it is only for a few minutes. To recharge from a long day or to gain energy and peace before a crazy one. All I know is that I enjoy my shower time alone!
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