Growing up my mom was very controlling. I hated it! Of course I started to rebel and require her to be controlled by me. Well that worked well. We fought all the time! I started to try to control everything I could outside the home just so that way I would have some control. My friends, my boyfriends, anything that would allow it. It didn't work out well. I had some good friends but lost contact over the years and personally I think some of the reason that they don't respond to me when I reach out now via facebook is because of the fear of how I was back then.
Over the years, and with a lot of M's help, I have became less controlling. Or at least learned how to channel it into things that are OK to be controlling about, like discpline for Rex, cleaning the house, ect.
I would really be upset about two things when it comes to controlling behavior in our household.

Over the years, and with a lot of M's help, I have became less controlling. Or at least learned how to channel it into things that are OK to be controlling about, like discpline for Rex, cleaning the house, ect.
I would really be upset about two things when it comes to controlling behavior in our household.
- I would be devastated it I had the same relationship or anything close to what I had with my mom growning up. It would break my heart to see that behavior in myself and/or my children.
- I would be really upset if Rex or baby lizard struggled to 'control' there controlling behavior. That might sound funny but I know how it feels to struggle through not controlling everyone around me.
So please, my children, don't become controlling! It is not worth the struggle and the loss of friendships that it will cause.
Of course I'm just as scared that they would become 'doormats' and let everyone walk all over them. Guess I will have to find a happy medium to teach them. Praying that will work because that sounds like a struggle to figure out :)
I understand this post so well - I struggle with this too, and I also experience a lot of relationship issues because of past hurts too. Of course I'm still not perfect, but God is still at work, and I know I am still changing. Good on you for recognizing and owning up to this one - it's a hard one to deal with, I think.