So as I promised "Our Family Name". Growing up I knew that my family was important. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents on my dad's side and was extremely close and spoiled. I realized around the time that I started dating that my dad had two girls and that our family name would end when I got married. This got me thinking. I figured that I would just have to marry a man that would take my last name as his so we could carry the name on. Little did I know then that it would actually be possible. Of course all the guys that I dated before M were no to keen with the idea.
I actually didn't bring it up to M until after we started planning the wedding. I brought it up to him because of how important it was to me to not lose my last name. I wanted to carry it on for my family. I told him that I would like him to think about it and just let me know how he felt about the idea. A few days later he told me that he would do it because he understood why it was so important to me.
Now after we have two boys (well one in a half until Pilot joins us in July) I question whether we did the right thing. Sometimes when I'm teaching Rex what his name is I feel guilty that it isn't M's last name. We actually had a discussion about it a few weeks ago when Rex was proudly sharing with daddy everyone's first and last name in our family (Grandma, Popa, Mommy, Daddy, and Rex). I was teaching him our names so he could help us find him if he ever got separated from one of us. So I asked M if he ever regretted making that decision. It was made very quickly because we were married within 3 months of getting engaged so I didn't know if he really had time to think it through. M very sweetly told me that he doesn't regret it. He told me that my family has been more of a true family than his family has ever been (mainly referring to his Dad's side).
It makes me feel very proud to have such a great family line that I can pass down to my children. They will know that their last name stands for family, love, trust, and loyalty among many other things. I know that it isn't the traditional way of doing things but I'm glad that we have chosen a different path. I don't think there will be a time in the future when M would regret his decision and that I am grateful for.
I actually didn't bring it up to M until after we started planning the wedding. I brought it up to him because of how important it was to me to not lose my last name. I wanted to carry it on for my family. I told him that I would like him to think about it and just let me know how he felt about the idea. A few days later he told me that he would do it because he understood why it was so important to me.
Now after we have two boys (well one in a half until Pilot joins us in July) I question whether we did the right thing. Sometimes when I'm teaching Rex what his name is I feel guilty that it isn't M's last name. We actually had a discussion about it a few weeks ago when Rex was proudly sharing with daddy everyone's first and last name in our family (Grandma, Popa, Mommy, Daddy, and Rex). I was teaching him our names so he could help us find him if he ever got separated from one of us. So I asked M if he ever regretted making that decision. It was made very quickly because we were married within 3 months of getting engaged so I didn't know if he really had time to think it through. M very sweetly told me that he doesn't regret it. He told me that my family has been more of a true family than his family has ever been (mainly referring to his Dad's side).
It makes me feel very proud to have such a great family line that I can pass down to my children. They will know that their last name stands for family, love, trust, and loyalty among many other things. I know that it isn't the traditional way of doing things but I'm glad that we have chosen a different path. I don't think there will be a time in the future when M would regret his decision and that I am grateful for.
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