Today I'm thankful that it is Tuesday! Why? Well it's my Bible study day with my mom's group and each week we get together and talk about what we learned in our book 'Created to be His Help Meet'. It means so much to me to be able to get together with other mom's and discuss things like becoming better wives and mothers. It also helps encourage me to not give up on what I'm doing every day here at home and know that it will all be for the glory of God whether I can see that now or not. It also helps encourage me to lead my example in what it means to walk with Christ. To show my husband that the days that I don't accomplish much or just waste my time is what I do alone but the days that I get a whole bunch accomplished and the house is looking great and Monkey actually had real pre-homeschool activities, that is all Christ working through me. I'm not strong enough to do all of it on my own. I'm so grateful to have a group of ladies who except me where I am, encourage me to keep pushing forward, and are there for me when I'm not strong enough to do it on my own.
Thank you Tuesday for being the day that I get to spend learning from other women and being in God's presence with them!

Thank you Tuesday for being the day that I get to spend learning from other women and being in God's presence with them!
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