So I have one of those crazy "I didn't know I was pregnant" stories. Yes I didn't know I was pregnant until I was pretty far along but I will get to that.
In May 2008 we picked up and moved out of state. At this time we had been completely off birth control for 2 years and nothing. We also found out when we first started trying that I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which basically meant "good luck getting pregnant". We decided that we would start the adoption process if we were not pregnant by the time we were 30 so we had a few years (still do actually! Yeah God!)
So we were just enjoying life in Oklahoma and enjoying the small town life. Every Sunday morning we would walk down the street and enjoy breakfast at Selena's, we'd sit on our front porch and talk with the neighbors, and visit family in town at least once a week. Starting close to October I started feeling like something was wrong with me so I went to the OU campus in Tulsa to the medical school (we didn't have insurance so cheap med school was the only choice) and got my 'yearly' exam. They said everything was fine. I had this cold that would not go away for the life of me no matter what I did. I took everything I could think of to get rid of it and it just would stop. Have you ever had a head cold for 9 months? It's not fun at all. I was sleeping on the couch because that was the only way I could sleep. I couldn't remember anything for the life of me and I was always tired. I just figured that it was all the stress from moving out of state, moving from house to another house, finding jobs, and getting up at 5 am to get to work on time. It all made sense then especially if you think that pregnancy isn't an option.

My parents came to visit us in August and we showed them around and had a lot of fun.
Then Thanksgiving came and we were planning on staying OK and enjoying family dinner with Miah's side of the family but then I was getting very homesick and wasn't sure that I could wait until Christmas so at the last minute (seriously like 10pm on Wednesday night) we loaded up the car and the dogs and headed back to CO. We enjoyed all the family activities and the relaxing at my parents house and just enjoyed being home. Come Sunday when it was time to head back we tried to head out early but didn't make it before the snow came so we had to turn around and stay another night before we headed back to OK.

Christmas came and we planned another trip home. This time I was able to head home for a full 10 days and packed them full with seeing everyone that I could. Miah came out and so did his sister and her family. It was great to be able to enjoy more time with family. (OK never felt like home no matter how hard I tried to make it that way). We had lots of fun with family on Christmas and even had a huge party at my parents house the day before we left. It was great to have so much and see everyone that we missed.

Then we headed back to OK. This is getting to the good part of the story. So it's New Year's Eve 2008 and we are just hanging out at home. Finally I ask Miah to come feel my stomach because it's acting weird. Miah put his hand on my stomach and felt it move. His words after that were, "You are taking a pregnancy test and it if is negative we are going to the ER." So that's what we did. We headed out to Wal-Mart and tried to find a pregnancy test. Apparently everyone else in the city was wondering if they were pregnant too because there were only like 3 left and they were all the expensive ones. We bought one and headed home and I took the test. I told Miah that I wasn't pregnant, that I had just been to the doctor a few months ago and they didn't tell me I was pregnant so I would pee on the stick but it was just going to be negative and I wasn't going to be heart broken again. So I peed, waited and then Miah looked. He came out and said, "Whatever it says in the window is what it is going to be right?" (Huh?) "It's not going to change right?" I respond confused, "No it won't change." He precedes "Your sure?" So finally because I'm getting tired of listening to him when I know it's just going to be negative and I march into the bathroom and pick it up and I'm speechless. I didn't think YES+ would be in the window. Miah starts jumping up and down and I watch the floor move under him (we were in a very old house) and I was afraid he was going to fall through the floor. I still don't believe it so I pee on another one just to make sure (by the way did I say it was like 10pm? If a pregnancy test comes back positive at 10 at night you are pregnant!). So the second one has both lines on it so I'm starting to believe it is true. We decided that since Miah could feel the baby move we would be safe to tell some people right away and try to get into to a doctor as soon as possible. So we made phone calls to my parents, a few friends and other family and then the next day called some more family. Then on January 6, 2009 we had an appointment with a clinic that gave free ultrasounds (hoping we could figure out how far along I was). We were so amazed with the baby on the screen that we didn't even notice how big it was. The tech just kept laughing and giggling and we asked why and she said she would tell us in a minute. After she got done measuring she told us that according to the measurements that my due date was April 8th! Ok I'm not good at math but I knew that wasn't that long. Quickly I started counting on my fingers and realized I had 3 MONTHS! Yep that's all 3 Months! I was already in my 3rd trimester when I found out I was pregnant.
A few days after we found out all this wonderful news we also found out that Miah was going to be laid off because his company was moving out of state and that his last day would be just a few days after my due date. We did a lot of talking, planning, Bradley Method classes (the best by the way), doctor appointments (had to make up for lost time), and phone calls with my parents. We had our major ultrasound to make sure all was well but also to find out what were were having and we were told a beautiful little GIRL was growing inside of me. We were thrilled! Finally after everything that was going on we decided that it was the best for us if we moved back to CO. We had renters in our house so we planned to stay with my parents until they were ready to move out. So we continued our classes and doctor appointments while also packing up our house and arranging to move. My parents came out to help and we left OK February 22, 2009 and drove the 10 hour trip in 16 hours because we had to stop every 2 hours so I could stretch my legs and hopefully prevent blood clots.

We made it back and I found a midwife and hospital and insurance and even had a very pink baby shower. We had great friends and family helping us out with everything with our short time line.

Thank you Censie and Brandi for the wonderful shower and all the work you put into it.

As you can tell I would have figured out I was pregnant sooner or later. My belly grew very fast after we found out.

We had time to get some maternity pictures done just a few days before I went into labor. Trying to get everything done in time was a little crazy but it was well worth it!
We were so excited when it was finally time for labor and were so excited to meet our little girl. We headed to the hospital and I was ready to use all my Bradley Method techniques to have a natural birth without any pain relief or surgical help.

8 centimeters and ready to get the party started!
When we found out it was a boy and not a girl. They told us "Well I guess you will need some time to pick out a new name." Both Hubby and I said "No, it's 'Monkey'." We had picked family names for both way before we ever were ready to start even trying for little ones.
One of his first photos!
Proud Parents! I'm so excited to be able to experience being pregnant again! I just thought I would share a bit of history. We have even more of a story for the first year but I will share that at another time. Hope you enjoyed reading about my experience about being pregnant.

Oh by the way he was born on March 31st and 10:05pm so if you remember back to when we took our first pregnancy test it was December 31st around 10 pm. So we knew we were pregnant for 3 months almost to the time! It was a great experience!

In May 2008 we picked up and moved out of state. At this time we had been completely off birth control for 2 years and nothing. We also found out when we first started trying that I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which basically meant "good luck getting pregnant". We decided that we would start the adoption process if we were not pregnant by the time we were 30 so we had a few years (still do actually! Yeah God!)
My parents came to visit us in August and we showed them around and had a lot of fun.
Then Thanksgiving came and we were planning on staying OK and enjoying family dinner with Miah's side of the family but then I was getting very homesick and wasn't sure that I could wait until Christmas so at the last minute (seriously like 10pm on Wednesday night) we loaded up the car and the dogs and headed back to CO. We enjoyed all the family activities and the relaxing at my parents house and just enjoyed being home. Come Sunday when it was time to head back we tried to head out early but didn't make it before the snow came so we had to turn around and stay another night before we headed back to OK.
Christmas came and we planned another trip home. This time I was able to head home for a full 10 days and packed them full with seeing everyone that I could. Miah came out and so did his sister and her family. It was great to be able to enjoy more time with family. (OK never felt like home no matter how hard I tried to make it that way). We had lots of fun with family on Christmas and even had a huge party at my parents house the day before we left. It was great to have so much and see everyone that we missed.
Then we headed back to OK. This is getting to the good part of the story. So it's New Year's Eve 2008 and we are just hanging out at home. Finally I ask Miah to come feel my stomach because it's acting weird. Miah put his hand on my stomach and felt it move. His words after that were, "You are taking a pregnancy test and it if is negative we are going to the ER." So that's what we did. We headed out to Wal-Mart and tried to find a pregnancy test. Apparently everyone else in the city was wondering if they were pregnant too because there were only like 3 left and they were all the expensive ones. We bought one and headed home and I took the test. I told Miah that I wasn't pregnant, that I had just been to the doctor a few months ago and they didn't tell me I was pregnant so I would pee on the stick but it was just going to be negative and I wasn't going to be heart broken again. So I peed, waited and then Miah looked. He came out and said, "Whatever it says in the window is what it is going to be right?" (Huh?) "It's not going to change right?" I respond confused, "No it won't change." He precedes "Your sure?" So finally because I'm getting tired of listening to him when I know it's just going to be negative and I march into the bathroom and pick it up and I'm speechless. I didn't think YES+ would be in the window. Miah starts jumping up and down and I watch the floor move under him (we were in a very old house) and I was afraid he was going to fall through the floor. I still don't believe it so I pee on another one just to make sure (by the way did I say it was like 10pm? If a pregnancy test comes back positive at 10 at night you are pregnant!). So the second one has both lines on it so I'm starting to believe it is true. We decided that since Miah could feel the baby move we would be safe to tell some people right away and try to get into to a doctor as soon as possible. So we made phone calls to my parents, a few friends and other family and then the next day called some more family. Then on January 6, 2009 we had an appointment with a clinic that gave free ultrasounds (hoping we could figure out how far along I was). We were so amazed with the baby on the screen that we didn't even notice how big it was. The tech just kept laughing and giggling and we asked why and she said she would tell us in a minute. After she got done measuring she told us that according to the measurements that my due date was April 8th! Ok I'm not good at math but I knew that wasn't that long. Quickly I started counting on my fingers and realized I had 3 MONTHS! Yep that's all 3 Months! I was already in my 3rd trimester when I found out I was pregnant.
Thank you Censie and Brandi for the wonderful shower and all the work you put into it.
As you can tell I would have figured out I was pregnant sooner or later. My belly grew very fast after we found out.
We had time to get some maternity pictures done just a few days before I went into labor. Trying to get everything done in time was a little crazy but it was well worth it!
We were so excited when it was finally time for labor and were so excited to meet our little girl. We headed to the hospital and I was ready to use all my Bradley Method techniques to have a natural birth without any pain relief or surgical help.
8 centimeters and ready to get the party started!
One of his first photos!
Proud Parents! I'm so excited to be able to experience being pregnant again! I just thought I would share a bit of history. We have even more of a story for the first year but I will share that at another time. Hope you enjoyed reading about my experience about being pregnant.
Oh by the way he was born on March 31st and 10:05pm so if you remember back to when we took our first pregnancy test it was December 31st around 10 pm. So we knew we were pregnant for 3 months almost to the time! It was a great experience!
Congrats on your baby!!! I'm following you from a blog hop. My blog is:
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Being a mommy is so amazing. I am your newest follower from Toddle Along Tuesday
I'd love a follow back! :)
I can't imagine not knowing for that long. That's crazy. Glad everything turned out ok.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the gender surprise-now I'm paranoid-they told me girl for sure, twice, but now you've got me wondering if I'm going to end up with another little boy-what will I do with all the pink?!
New follower from Toddle Along Tuesday
Wow that is a crazy story! What a wonderful miracle! So many surprises! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteFollowing you back from Monkey Around Monday. Thanks for stopping by! :)
Wow, Momma, crazy story! I'm so glad everything worked out okay.
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up to Toddle Along Tuesday at Growing Up Geeky and Our Growing Garden!
Wow, what a story! So opposite of all my pregnancy stories in that I always knew I was pregnant even before my period was "late" -- I always jump the gun and test early.
ReplyDeleteI saw your link on the Toddle Along Tuesday blog hop! I'm a new follower on GFC :)
They All Call Me Mom