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Frumpy or Fabulous?

Staying at home can create a sense of comfort. Allowing to stay in PJ's all day, enjoying just lounging of the couch and eating bon bon's. However for most of us homemakers we do not have this luxury of lounging and bon bon's. We have things to do with our children, house cleaning to do, and many thing outside of the house. Sometimes getting dressed in the morning just seems pointless. Excuses like I have to clean so why would I put on my 'nice' clothes or the baby is just going to spit up on me so I should just stay in my pj's since I will have to change later anyway.

These are valid reasons on some days to stay in our pj's but most days we should get up and get ready just like if we worked outside of the home. It shows our husbands that we care about him and we try to make sure that we look good for him. It also shows are children good habits of getting up and getting dressed and ready for the day.

If you read in Proverbs 31 you will see what a wife is suppose to be and in verse 22 says "She dresses in fine linen and purple gowns". To me that is not the pj's of that time. God wants us to look good for Him, for husbands, for our kids, and for ourselves. When I first read Proverbs 31 I was thinking "Ya, I can't be like that, that's just impossible" and I'm still not there but I'm much closer than I ever was before and its because I lean on God for HIS strength! Verse 25 says, "She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future" because she trust God and she has a loving and respected family. 

To bring this back around to more personal to me I have to say more days than not I'm rushed to get up and get ready. I hurry to get dressed in the morning, hurry to get out the door on some days, hurry to get the house picked up, all sorts of things. Most days if I'm not leaving my house I stay in my pj's in the morning because I know that while cooking breakfast I'm sure to get something on my clothes or I know that I will be cleaning. But once I'm done doing what needs to be done I get in the shower, shave my legs, dry and straighten my hair, get dressed and even some days I put on make-up and this normally happens around 3pm or later depending on the day. Why bother at that point to get ready when the day is almost over? Well because my husband is going to come home! He deserves to come home after a 12 hour work day to a wife that is dressed for him, a cooked meal, and a clean house. Is this the 1950's? No but should that change the roles that God intended us to have? For our household no it shouldn't. 

The rest of Proverbs 31 talks about a women that takes care of her household. She brings her husband good not harm, raises respectable children, her husband is respected throughout the city, she is able to sell things she makes, and she fears the LORD! These are all things that I strive to do. I dress 'fabulous' and cook for my husband to bring him good! I teach Rex how to use his manners and to not act out because I want to raise a respectable child. I want my husband to succeed at whatever he does and to be respected throughout the city without being embarrassed by his wife or child's behavior! And most importantly I want to fear the LORD because it says that if I do I will be greatly praised.

One more part of Proverbs 31 that I love also is verse 28-29. 

 Her children stand and bless her
Her husband praises her.
"There are many virtuous and capable women in the 
world but you surpass them all.

That is what I want to hear from my husband! He does stay things like this almost daily, even on my not so great days but I don't want to have to many not so great days. I want to show my husband that I love and care for him by doing my job correctly and the best of my ability each day!

Are you frumpy or fabulous for your husband and family? Do you have any thoughts to add? How is your family or beliefs different from mine? I love comments and will do my best to respond to them so check back!


  1. We rarely stay in pajamas all day. If we don't do anything all day at least I can say we got dressed and ready to take on anything if need be. It helps me feel better about myself and I like looking nice when steve gets home from work. People look at me weird when I say that I have dinner ready when Steve gets home from work. He likes to early (5pm) and it's the least I can do as he provides for us. People don't understand the amount of work a homemaker/ stay at home mom does! I like the verses you quoted!

  2. I think more and more SAHM are going towards the 'old' values of cooking and cleaning and respecting their husbands for all their hard work. I love being able to do all that I do to honor him. It really makes me feel important and loved when he show that he appreciates it.

  3. these are good thoughts. thanks for sharing!

    my goal daily is to "get ready" even though i stay at home. i decided that since i do my hair, makeup and get dressed to go out, i should be doing the same for my husband and family:)

    when i know my hubby is on his way home from work, i put a clean shirt on-since most days i get pretty gross with the toddler:) swipe on some lip gloss and comb my hair. i pour him a cold glass of water and try to smile, no matter how hard my day was.
    this and giving him a few minutes to himself to unwind, makes chatting about our days much better. i want to be my husband's girlfriend, ya know?


  4. I think that is a great perspective of trying to maintain some of that 'new love' you have when you were a girlfriend. I love when my hubby comes home and talks about his day and I'm able to share what we did. Thank you for your thoughts!

  5. I totally agree. I noticed that my mood is lighter on the days that I get dressed and ready before handling everything that needs to be done. Thanks for linking up!!

  6. I'm a working mom (unfortunately) but I think I fall somewhere in the middle of frumpy and fabulous. I think getting dressed up makes me feel better about myself and therefore, I'm more productive.

  7. Outstanding perspective!!! I dress as well as I can; stay in my clothes from the start of the day until I get ready for bed. It's something I've always strived for and it has paid off many times, but until this point, I didn't have scripture to back it up! Thank you for your references!!

  8. Your welcome Karrie! I'm so glad it helped! I struggle sometimes with scripture to back up things but I knew Proverbs 31 and it's really a great reminder of who God called us to be. Thanks for stopping by!


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