Our family schedule seems to be so different from a lot people I know. With the hubs working (including drive time) about 12 hours a day it makes our schedule different or he would never see Monkey. So here it is...
6:00 or 6:30 the hubs leaves for work.
8:30 Monkey and I get up (bath time if none the night before)
9:00 Cook and Eat Breakfast
9:30 Leave for mom's group activity several times a week OR play time while Mommy cleans
12:00 Cook and Eat Lunch
1:30 Nap time for Monkey, Bible time for Mommy (most days)
2:30 Monkey is up. Watch Letter Factory (He's very cranky when he wakes up so he gets a movie to allow more wake up time before playing.
3:00 Play time/Story time/Cleaning together time
6:00 or 6:30 Hubby heads home and I start dinner.
7:00 or 7:30 We eat dinner
7:30 Family Play Time
8:30 Start Bedtime Routine
Bath time if we had a really dirty day or he gets in the morning
Running (he has so much energy still that he just does laps in his room)
Story time
Kisses, music on, lights out!
9:00 Bedtime for Daddy
10:00/11:00 Bedtime for Mommy
There are a few things I working on changing but haven't got there yet. Like I want to go to bed earlier so I can get up when the Hubs leaves for work but I'm a night owl and it's going to take a couple of weeks to get adjusted to that. When I finally make these changes I will be able to get more cleaning done before Monkey gets up and maybe even get back into my workout program in the morning and possibly even have more alone time with God. That would be great.
Does your family schedule differ from ours? How? Does it work for you or do you need to make changes? I'd love to hear your thoughts too!
6:00 or 6:30 the hubs leaves for work.
8:30 Monkey and I get up (bath time if none the night before)
9:00 Cook and Eat Breakfast
9:30 Leave for mom's group activity several times a week OR play time while Mommy cleans
12:00 Cook and Eat Lunch
1:30 Nap time for Monkey, Bible time for Mommy (most days)
2:30 Monkey is up. Watch Letter Factory (He's very cranky when he wakes up so he gets a movie to allow more wake up time before playing.
3:00 Play time/Story time/Cleaning together time
6:00 or 6:30 Hubby heads home and I start dinner.
7:00 or 7:30 We eat dinner
7:30 Family Play Time
8:30 Start Bedtime Routine
Bath time if we had a really dirty day or he gets in the morning
Running (he has so much energy still that he just does laps in his room)
Story time
Kisses, music on, lights out!
9:00 Bedtime for Daddy
10:00/11:00 Bedtime for Mommy
There are a few things I working on changing but haven't got there yet. Like I want to go to bed earlier so I can get up when the Hubs leaves for work but I'm a night owl and it's going to take a couple of weeks to get adjusted to that. When I finally make these changes I will be able to get more cleaning done before Monkey gets up and maybe even get back into my workout program in the morning and possibly even have more alone time with God. That would be great.
Does your family schedule differ from ours? How? Does it work for you or do you need to make changes? I'd love to hear your thoughts too!
Our work day schedule:
ReplyDelete5:15am – alarm goes off
5:30am – Jeremy gets up, showers, gets ready
6am – Jude and I get up
6am-6:30am – I shower, Jeremy gets Jude ready for the day
6:30am – Jeremy leaves for the day
6:45am – Jude and I leave for the day
7am – drop Jude off - :(
4:45pm – Pick Jude up :)
5:30pm – 6:30pm – Dinner time!!
6:30pm-8pm – playtime or walks to the park ect…
8pm – bath time and bed time for Jude
9:30pm – bedtime for us!