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What I didn't realize...

Last time I was here I shared what I learned by giving up social media and I didn't realize how it would impact my daily life afterwards.

During the month of February I truly felt like I had to make a conscious decision each day or several times a day to not be on social media. It was really hard in the beginning and I really missed my Healthy Mom's Group that I created to help us stay on track with being healthy and exercising throughout the week.

Now that I have been able to be back on facebook and interact with my friends once again I find myself not doing it. I'm not checking in with regular facebook and I'm not getting on my mom's group site either. I just never really get on there. I even changed the rule I had for myself with no apps. I did load the app on my tablet but no widgets and it's not on a main page either. This makes me still have to think about getting on.

I haven't been very successful with continuing with my workouts although I'm losing weight. It's kind of a plus and a negative because I don't think I'm losing weight in a healthy way. So although I love that I'm not getting on facebook all the time and wasting time just reading post after post I have found some downsides that I hadn't considered.

The other thing I have noticed due to a lack of social media exposure I have less desire to write posts on my blog. This makes me sad because I really want to share my experiences in parenting and marriage with others in hopes that something I say will be encouraging.

So for my next task at had of giving something up to see what I can gain is going to be the TV. Starting Monday I'm going to give up TV for the rest of the month. That means on the computer too. (This is something that I can accomplish now that the bachelor is over...I'm addicted to the love story drama in that show).

So wish me luck on this adventure and let's see if I get any other unexpected results from giving up TV! I will say this local weather and/or workouts through hulu or youtube will not count for this because I'm hoping that by giving up TV I will have more unwasted time to spend working out and getting healthy. I only have less than 3 weeks until my 30th birthday so I really need to get back to work!


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