I started reading the book when my hubby was working nights. I knew that I wouldn't be sleeping well so reading would be better than staying up all night watching TV. Well that was not the best choice.
The book starts out with the main character being attacked at night and raped. Not a good thing to read when your home alone all night but I had to keep reading to know what happened to this lovely Christian girl.
Her life gets turned upside down after the rape happens. She gets pregnant, her finance can't handle the fact that she is not "unclean" and the Christian school asks her to leave due to being pregnant.
What is she to do? Everyone tells her if anyone has the right to an abortion it would be her, however, she is unsure. She doesn't feel it's right. She's been fighting against abortion all her life so why would it suddenly become okay now.
The story continues with her struggle between keeping the baby, having an abortion or giving it up for adoption.
I couldn't imagine going through what she went through. I think that's why I had to keep reading. I had to see what choices she made. It also made me think about my choices and my thoughts on abortion. I'm not going to get into my personal feeling one way or another here. I don't think this is the right place for that. All I know is that I'm proud of the main character for standing up for what she believes in!
Last night I finished the book around midnight because I couldn't put it down. I was so close to finishing the book! It had a great ending, although it was the same type of ending as other books from Rivers. It left me wanting more. She leaves the future up to your imagination and although that is good sometimes I really enjoy having all the details to a happy ending written out.
I would highly recommend this book. If you have strong feelings about abortion leaning either way this book will make you think about things you might not have considered. It might change your mind or it might reinforce your opinion. Order the book here online or run out to the store to grab one! It's worth the read!
*I was not asked to write this review and did not receive anything to give it. It is my true and honest opinion.
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