I don't really believe in making New Year's Resolutions because it seems more often than not they end up being lost shortly after making them. This year I am setting some goals and changing things up a bit. I feel this year is a little different because I have been slowly working on changing my daily habits for a few months now. I want to make some big changes in my life! I want to lose weight! I want to eat more healthy! And I want to keep my house clean and organized which I think will be my biggest struggle.
I slowly started working out several months ago and just before Christmas I started eating more healthy and making sure I was getting enough fruits and veggies into my diet. Making these small changes has helped me gain energy and it going to help me lose weight now that all the holiday food is out of the house.
Now it's time to jump in with both feet!
So here's what is changing...
● I'm changing my workouts from late night to EARLY morning! Super early! 4am early! Yuck! But a must in order to help my marriage (my hubby is missing having a wife around at night) and I'm hoping that getting my workout in early, showering and getting ready before the boys wake up will help me be ready to go instead of feeling blah all day waiting for my workout.
● I found a free schedule printable for the whole year that is completely customizable so this is added it to my new daily routine to help keep up with the household responsibilities. I have written post but never quite got them finished and posted about my lack scheduling abilities. I have yet to find on the truly works for me but this one is different and I'm hoping this is the one!
● This schedule will also help me to delegate some of the household responsibilities. I want to teach Monkey how to care for his things and for his area of the house. Doing this will also encourage Goose to help with clean up time and caring for his are of the house as he gets older. I will share what I'm going to do in a later post.
● And last but not least I'm adding more regular teaching to our week. Monkey wants to learn to read so it's time to teach several days a week to get him going. Every day is not a priority at the moment but at least 3 days a week we can spend time together doing out reading homework.
I can't wait to see how these changes impact my life. As I continue to lose weight, gain energy, and get organized I can only imagine what is in store for my life! Amazing things!
What are your new plans for this year?
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