Have you heard about common core? It is absolutely horrifying when you read about it and discover what the government is trying to teach our children.
Now we are a homeschool family and this still affects us! It also affects many children that I care about and I really want to find out more about it and how to stop it!
Our schools now have the power to collect data on our children while in school about everything in their lives and ours. They will not only collect test scores but income levels, our children's posture and pages upon pages of other data that can not be related to raising the education level in our country.
When you start reading things about common core it will scare you! Or it should! Please do your research! Start right now and help our next generation before it is too late! We need to stand and stop this now.
I'm still new to my research but I'm so horrified that I have to share so you too can start looking into it. I know many of you have children that are young and will be entering school soon if they are not already there and we can not allow them to be taught this way.
As I learn more I will share my resources but I will give you two of them for now. Parents and Educators Against Common Core Standards on Facebook. This is a new forum to me but they have information to share and ways to fight it in your state. Truth In American Education is another website to help you get started with finding out what common core is. But also google it and look at the government documents. I hope to have more to share with you in the coming weeks/months as I discover more and more about this program.
Now we are a homeschool family and this still affects us! It also affects many children that I care about and I really want to find out more about it and how to stop it!
Our schools now have the power to collect data on our children while in school about everything in their lives and ours. They will not only collect test scores but income levels, our children's posture and pages upon pages of other data that can not be related to raising the education level in our country.
When you start reading things about common core it will scare you! Or it should! Please do your research! Start right now and help our next generation before it is too late! We need to stand and stop this now.
I'm still new to my research but I'm so horrified that I have to share so you too can start looking into it. I know many of you have children that are young and will be entering school soon if they are not already there and we can not allow them to be taught this way.
As I learn more I will share my resources but I will give you two of them for now. Parents and Educators Against Common Core Standards on Facebook. This is a new forum to me but they have information to share and ways to fight it in your state. Truth In American Education is another website to help you get started with finding out what common core is. But also google it and look at the government documents. I hope to have more to share with you in the coming weeks/months as I discover more and more about this program.
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