Monkey just loves playing with Goose!

This was taken the day we brought him home. Goose's first question asked, "Can he play cars with me?" He didn't quite grasp the fact that Goose can't play yet. So we laid him on the floor and Monkey played cars and even showed Goose the cars and told them the names of them. Super cute!

This was taken the day we brought him home. Goose's first question asked, "Can he play cars with me?" He didn't quite grasp the fact that Goose can't play yet. So we laid him on the floor and Monkey played cars and even showed Goose the cars and told them the names of them. Super cute!
The first night home I wanted Monkey to have some special Mommy time so I figured reading a story before bed would be perfect. I went to give Goose to Daddy but Monkey wanted him to hear the story too. So Daddy was able to take cute photos instead!
A few days later Monkey wanted to read Goose his dinosaur book. He asked me to put him on the floor so he could read to him. Of course I just had to do it. It was just to cute to pass up, plus I had no reason to not do it! Monkey is a great big brother!
He is a good big brother! Hopefully he can teach Jude how to act that way! lol ;)