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Goose's Birth Story

Before I start I want to warn you that if you are going to be giving birth in the near future you may not want to read this story. My labors are not like normal labors and you may just hate me if you read this now. Feel free to come back by after you have given birth and then read it.
I had a rough couple of weeks at the end of my pregnancy. I truly felt like he would just never come out. At 35 weeks my midwife guessed that I wouldn't make it past 2 more weeks. Well she was wrong! I made it exactly to my due date.

At 3:00am on July 25, 2012 I woke up with contractions. Now I had been having contractions for several weeks but not like this. I was thinking that maybe I just needed to stretch a little and then I could go back to bed and if it was real labor then I would let everyone get more sleep before we had to go.

That wasn't the best plan now looking back. So I hung out in the livingroom on the exercise ball watching TV. Around 4:30am I was starving and I went to make me something to eat. After that I planned on waking everyone up. That didn't happen. I got my sandwich, headed back downstairs and went straight to the bathroom. I just kept feeling like I had to go. Well that's when the contractions all of a sudden got much worse. I yelled for Hubby to get up and told him it was time to go.

He didn't realized (I didn't completely realize either) that we needed to go quickly. I called my mom and had her come to help me get ready. Hubby offered but with how slowly he was moving we would have had the baby at home. At this point the contractions were about a minute apart. I wasn't timing them I just remember that they felt right on top of each other and I could hardly accomplish anything without getting interrupted by a contraction.

I finally made it upstairs right before 5:00. My dad had started the coffee and Hubby was waiting for it to be made before we left. My mom offered to drive because I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to handle the contractions in our little car.

We all finally made it in the car by 5:15am. My mom drove as quickly as she could to get to the hospital. I was so uncomfortable that every bump hurt me. I even asked Hubby, "How did I do this without pain meds with Monkey?" He told me to not think that way. That we will get to the hospital and everything will be fine then.

At 5:36am we pulled into the ED parking lot. M got out and went to get someone and a wheel chair. He took forever! But this time it wasn't his fault. There was no one around. He couldn't see anyone anywhere. Finally he walked through a Authorized Personal Only door and found someone. While he was inside my doula, Kim, pulled in and rushed over to help me through the contractions.

When I saw him coming back I was so grateful! I was ready to get inside and get comfortable. I remember watching the nurse walk so slow it looked like she was moving in slow motion. I was pissed! I just wanted to yell, "Hurry up! I'm ready to give birth here!" Instead I just said to Kim, "Could she possibly walk any slower?" which made her laugh.

Once we got inside the ED at 5:40am we had to fill out paperwork. All of us couldn't believe that they were making us do this. Finally we were on our way upstairs.

Once in our labor and delivery room the nurses started to prep everything. They needed me to undress and get a urine sample. So I did. While on the potty I sent Kim to find and birthing ball. I knew that there was no way I was going to labor like this in bed. Hubby came in and stood with me in the bathroom. That's when all of a sudden I felt like I had to push. Here's the conversation that followed:

Me: "I think I need to push?"
Hubby: "Your not having the baby on the toilet. Just wait the midwife will be here soon."
Me: Pulled the Call Help cord, "No I can't wait."

The nurses rushed in. I told them I wanted to push and they helped me walk to the bed. I could barley walk at this point. It hurt so bad and I swear there was no break between the contractions. I just had to use every bit of will power I had to get to that bed. I knew that I couldn't just stand there to deliver Goose.

Once on the bed it hurt so bad to sit down that I leaned forward. The nurses kept saying that I needed to lay back so they could check me and I just kept thinking and saying "I can't. It hurts to bad." Finally I pushed myself to do what they said. As quickly as I could I leaned back and it hurt so bad.

I got situated and the nurse went to check me and realized I was crowning (that's why it hurt so bad! I was sitting on Goose's head!). That's when I started pushing. Everyone was trying to get me to wait but there was no way that was happening. I told them I was pushing.

The nurse started the delivery, someone else went out and grabbed a resident from the hall that finished delivering Goose. I didn't realize any of this until afterwards. I just knew I was pushing and someone better catch my baby. It all happened so fast that Hubby didn't even get to stand next to me during the delivery. Kim was there as I screamed through my pushes (which were much louder and more intense then they were with Goose) and Hubby was standing behind her.

That's when Goose joined the world at 5:55am! Yep! A whole 15 minutes after we entered the ED department! They placed him right up on my chest and cleaned him all up there. That's when my midwife got there. I was able to just lay there and admire my cute little boy while my midwife delivered the placenta. When it was time to get stitched up (2nd degree tear) I had them take Goose and get his measurements.

 He was already loved so much! I was so excited that he was out and joined the world finally. I was also really happy that we made it to the hospital in time and that I didn't have to labor in the hospital for hours like I thought was going to happen in the car. 
9 POUNDS 3 OUNCES! Can you believe that he just came right out at that size? I really don't want to think to much about how big he is. There are times now when I lay him down to get him dressed or change a diaper and I look at him and wonder how the heck this big baby was inside me! I have yet to wonder how he came out. Not sure that I will ever go there ;)
Seriously the cutest baby ever! (He looks just like Monkey so I can say that!)
Measurements: Head 14 1/2 inches Length 21 1/2 inches. Newborn clothes and diapers never enter our house because they just don't fit even in the beginning! (This nurse said to Hubby while measuring, "this is the size of my babies at 3 months!)
So much needed Daddy time! He was so excited to meet him finally!
More cuddles from Mommy and time to nurse! He latched on right away and was ready to go. It's amazing how much you can love someone so much after just meeting them! I can't imagine life without him.

Tuesday will be the rest of the story. Meeting Monkey for the first time and other family members. Everyone adores him!


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