I have been struggling to this past week because I keep being told that he should come any day now and then it doesn't happen. I'm starting to feel like I'm done being pregnant and just ready for him to come out. So today I decided that I'm going to stick with the original day that I picked for him to come which is July 31st. My due date is the 25th but so was Rex's and he came on the 31st and I thought it would be fun if both my boys did the same thing. So I'm done thinking that he is coming any day. He's coming on the 31st. If he comes early then of course that is great because I can start getting my body back to normal and not be so uncomfortable. But if he stays in until then I'm not going to feel like it's taking forever because mentally that is the day for him. As always I know that God has planned his perfect birthday and I don't get a say in it so I just have to wait until then. So here is my update stats for you all.
How big is baby? He is about 7 pounds and about 20 inches (according to an app, he might actually be longer.)
Weight gain? Another pound. I can't wait to start watching that number go down after he joins us!
Maternity clothes? Always. Actually I wear quite a few shirts that aren't maternity but they are starting to not fit since he keeps dropping.
Stretch Marks? No new ones. Hoping it stays that way since he could come at any time now.
Sleep? I'm always exhausted no matter how much sleep I get. I'm sleeping really well at night except for having to wake up to change positions and use the bathroom once or twice. I think my body is gearing up for the labor process.
Best moment this week? Having M's grandpa come home again. Between the hospital and his doctor appointment this week we are hoping that he will be back to normal soon. Also my midwife appointment. I love hearing about how Pilot is doing and how my body is doing in getting ready for him to come.
Movement? He was partying like crazy for a few nights which made it hard to fall asleep at a decent time but now he's back to normal and just moving during the day for me. He stretches and kicks and hits. For the most part only the stretching is really uncomfortable.
Food Cravings? I'm back to not wanting to eat anything. Everything sounds and smells gross. I'm forcing myself to eat several times a day and just dealing with it.
Labor Signs? None yet. I know he dropped again and all weekend long I could barely walk or move without being in pain. It's not as bad as it was but I'm still really uncomfortable and I'm only completely pain free if I'm laying in bed. I'm 3 centimeters as of Tuesday (hoping to be further by now). Just waiting for labor to actually start so we can meet him.
What I Miss? Being comfortable and being independent. Since I'm so uncomfortable from him dropping I can't go grocery shopping because I can't walk and lift things without sending myself into tears. I have a hard time getting anything accomplished at home by myself. Poor Rex is probably getting tired of helping Mommy with things like laundry and picking up things off the floor.
Milestones? All his organs are fully matured and ready to work outside of the womb. Did you hear that Pilot? You can come out NOW!!!!
Next appointment? July 17th.
Just a random thing: I thought today was Thursday so I planned on updating everyone tomorrow thinking it was Friday. Better late than never ;)
Just a random thing: I thought today was Thursday so I planned on updating everyone tomorrow thinking it was Friday. Better late than never ;)
I think you definitely have the right outlook about his arrival. That way, if he comes before the 31st, you feel like you caught a break :) I'm sorry that you're so uncomfortable. I never dropped with either pregnancy, so overall, I'm still able to get around fairly easily (even at 40 weeks, 2 days!) though I show no signs of progress for labor :( It won't be long til we both have our babies in our arms! Best of luck to you.