That's the theme for you this week. I feel like you have had to double in size this past week maybe week in a half. I feel huge compared to what I remember feeling like last week. Yesterday I wore a t-shirt that is normally huge on me and so far my belly hasn't shown when I have worn it. Well that changed yesterday. My shirt kept sticking to my belly all day! You have to have grown because I'm getting more uncomfortable and doing things like dishes and laundry are getting harder because I have to bend over.
I'm still feeling tired. I'm just starting to think that it will never go away. I think I will be tired the entire pregnancy. I'm beginning to think that you are going to cause problems when you come out. If this pregnancy is any sign to our future we are going to have our hands full.
We have another midwife appointment next month and I'm getting excited. This is the big one...where we get to find out what you are. I'm excited to finally know if you are a boy or girl. I'm excited to know so Daddy and I can have conversations about names. We have the basics picked out but have to have some conversations about finalizing them. We will be telling everyone what we find out and hopefully a name at Rex's birthday party this year. Everyone is very excited to know and bugging me about it all the time. We are keeping everything a secret including the date of the appointment so no one will no when to start hounding us for information.
At 18 weeks I'm still not having any big food cravings and I haven't been feeling you move since the first time. It makes me nervous but I know that I should start feeling you move a lot really soon. There are so many things that I'm looking forward to and I can't wait. I feel like this pregnancy is taking forever compared to your brother. I feel very rushed to get everything done and ready for your arrival. I want to get his clothes ready for you if your a boy or I need to get them ready to sell if you are a girl and I'm trying to be patient and wait but it's driving me nuts. I know I will have plenlty to do very soon and should just enjoy this slow time.
Keep on growing safely in there and I will keep doing my best to give you what you need.
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