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Showing posts from November, 2011

Day 30...God's Community

Today I'm thankful for God's community! I never knew that people could be so kind and helpful!

Day 29...God's miracles

Today I'm thankful for God's miracles. He has been doing so wonderful ones in our lives and I'm so thankful that he loves us enough to show us through His wonderful miracles! <center><a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></center>

Day 28...My Parents

Today I'm thankful for my parents. They are so helpful to us and I'm grateful that they live close. Today my dad let me borrow his car as ours is in need of tires and I had to take M's grandparents to the doctors. Also my mom watched Rex while I went.  Really I'm so thankful for them and all their help! <center><a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></center>

Day 26...To be Home

Today I'm thankful to be home! If you have been reading along we have been staying with M's grandparents and helping them out after Grandma's back surgery. Well last night we headed home to let them get back into their routine while we and M's aunt can be around to help over the weekend.  We were all so glad to sleep in our own beds and have our own schedule and routine back. Rex was able to get the sleep he has been needing and slept until 8:00! M slept late too which was good because neither of us have slept more than a few hours a night for the past 2 weeks. Of course for me I was up at 6:30 because that has been when my body is use to getting up. Oh well. I was able to get some things done this morning while everyone else slept. <center><a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></center...

Day 22...Hard Work

Oh my gosh today I am thankful for hard work. We all know that raising kids isn't easy. You can make it "easier" on yourself if you let them raise them self and ignore them but we choose the opposite. We choose to implement discipline into our house as well as respect and manners. Well today it showed and to me makes it all worth it. Today while shopping at our 4th store after a very long day Rex showed me how great it is to have a child with manners and how they show when you lest expect it.  We were in one of the car carts at the store and Rex being the "helper" he is was getting out every time we stopped to ask what I was looking for and trying to help me. Well we were standing there looking at something and an older man was walking down the isle. And this conversation followed: Me: "Watch out Rex and man is coming." Rex: Look up at the man "Oh! Excuse me Sir." And got out of his way. Me (about ready to burst into tears: "Rex I'...

Day 21...My Husband

Today I'm thankful for my wonderful husband. I know I have said I'm thankful for him already this month but I'm thankful for him again. Well truthfully I'm thankful for him everyday but today he has been extra helpful and great.  So M woke up not feeling well today but still went to work. Just a little be later Grandpa started not feeling well and I set M a text so that he would know so he knew if he started having similar symptoms. Well instead he decided to come home and work here to give me an extra hand. He knew that I had 2 kids plus Grandma and Grandpa to care for plus trying to get Grandpa to his doctor appointment that was already planned. Basically it was going to be a crazy day.  M is such a sweet guy most of the time and today was one of those days. He even helped with handing out dinner tonight as well as some dishes after dinner too. Plus he was nice enough to let me use his computer to do all this blogging since Grandma's computer doesn't seem t...

Day 20...Time Alone

Today I'm thankful for time alone. Thanks to my hubby I was able to sneak out and see Breaking Dawn and have 2 hours of just me time. Normally I don't do this. Not really any reason why but I will occasionally have a girls night but normally my life consists of my family. I try to focus on making sure that my hubby gets his down time after working so hard every day for us and I try to make sure that he is shown that I try to work just as hard. It was great to know that he knew I wanted to see the movie and he offered to let me go and see it. Yes I went all by myself and I was fine with it. I really enjoyed just having the quiet of sitting before the movie started and  having some quiet walking back to the car and just enjoying my time.  Just a tip if you do see the movie there is a clip that you don't want to miss after part of the credits so make sure to stay and wait for it ;) <center><a href=""><i...

Day 19...Heritage Makers

Today I'm thankful for being able to share  Heritage Makers  with people. I had a booth at a craft fair and I was able to talk to people about what it can offer. I so love HM for so many reasons but I will only share my #1 reason on this post. The best thing that I think Heritage Makers offers is a family unit. It's really easy to put your photos into books and have family history made. I know that I love making projects and then not only am I excited when they come in the mail but Rex is too. We get to the mail box and I pull out a box and he can't wait to open it and look at the book. I love it! It's so great to see him looking at books and talking about his family and want he did and is doing in the pictures. Really this is the best part of  Heritage Makers  and why I'm signed up as a consultant. I can not think of something that I would rather support as a consultant company! <center><a href="

Day 18...A Drive

Today I am thankful for a long drive today. Even though it was a crazy morning to get out of the house early and drive the hour back home and then clean/organize some things and then drive back another hour to Grandma's house it was worth it. I really needed a break from everything and a long drive was just want I needed! <center><a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></center>

Day 17...Quiet Time

Today I'm thankful for quiet time! Today at nap time I was able to spend in the Word. I haven't been able to for several reasons. One because we have been busy with the hubby's grandparents and everything that is going on around here but also because when I was getting down time I was spending it watching Friends. I love Friends and can watch reruns over and over but really that's not where I should be spending my time. I knew this but chose to do it anyway. Today though I decided that I would do my Bible study from 1 (when naptime started) until 2 when Friends came on. Well then my mom called and we talked for almost the whole hour. I had about 15 minutes left and really felt that I shouldn't stop at 2 but do the full hour that I said I would. So I got started and you know the Book they were talking about today? Proverbs! Like Proverbs 31 and Proverbs 18:9 "One who is slack in his work is brother to on who destroys"! OK God I think I get your point!...

Versatile Blogger Award!

Wow! Really! An Award for ME?!?! Thank you so much to Censie over at  Building Our Story  for the wonderful recognition of The Versatile Blogger Award! I'm so excited that someone loves my blog even if I have known her for over 20 years ;) So here are the "rules to accepting the award": * Tell 7 things about myself *Pass the award along to 15 bloggers that I feel are deserving 1. My name is Kari 2. I'm married to a wonderful husband who loves his family so much! 3. We have one little boy, Rex, who is 2 1/2 years old 4. We are planning on another in the very near future, God willing 5. I'm a stay at home mom are really love it. I'm not sure that I could function as a working mom. 6. I work as a consultant for  Heritage Makers  and love having a fun and easy way to show off the pictures I take as well as having our lives in books that will last for generations so that my great grandkids will know all about our lives and where they came from. 7. I'm ver...

Day 16...My Mom!

Today I'm thankful for my mom. It is her birthday today and although we have had our fair share of struggles I'm so thankful that she is my mom.  Through the last year I have done so huge healing in my life and because of it God has shown me that she is woman just like me. She lives in a fallen world just like me. She is a sinner just like me and we are each in different places with Christ. These things have allowed me to open up my heart in a way that I have never been able to before and actually have a relationship that I never thought we would have.  So once again I'm thankful for my mom and that we are now growing our relationship! Love you Mom and Happy Birthday! <center><a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></center>

Day 15...Grandma's Home

Today I'm thankful for the fact that Grandma was able to come home instead of going to a rehab center. I'm glad she is able to do the rest of her recovery at home and that my family is able to be here to help her through this time. <center><a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></center>

Day 14...Monkey

Today I'm thankful for Monkey. Which is obvious that I would be thankful for him everyday after our crazy Pregnancy Story  and just the fact that he's my son. But today he gave be extra things to be thankful for. Things he did to make me extra thankful: He was absolutely adorable playing with the little girl I watch. He loves her and wants a baby of his own too and he would be a great big brother. He saw that I was doing dishes and picked up dishes around the living room and brought them to me without me having to ask him. How cute is that. He showed me that the hard work that I'm putting in raising him and the fact that I stay consistent even on the hard days pays off. (Not that I'm super mom but I try my hardest and ask God to help with the rest). I'm so thankful to have such a great son!

Day 13...Prayer

Today I'm thankful for prayer!  Mostly because today I have really needed the communication with God to have the strength to get through today. It seems like everything that can cause stress in my family is doing just that. Ugh! I know that I'm not strong enough to keep my cool and be able to get through these times without God. Talking to Him calms me down and he fills me with strength and peace to keep going. He also helps me be forgiving and see things from a view that will keep the peace and not cause more anger or stress in our house.  Thank you God today for letting us have a way to communicate with you and for giving us what we need in times when we are weak and need you to keep moving. <center><a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></center>

Day 12...Friendship!

Today I'm thankful for great friends! I'm so lucky to have a truly great friend that is willing to help when needed as well as just to laugh and have fun with.  Today I went down to Colorado Springs to see a midwife for my yearly exam. Since we don't have health insurance at this time it was a better option to see a midwife than to pay to see a doctor. (Actually if you could ever have a "best" pap this was it. It really was relaxing and comfortable. I wish that my hubby was OK with me having a midwife and home birth for our next baby but as of right now he's not.) I had to drive down to the Springs for my appointment which gave me the perfect excuse to visit my best friend. I feel like a little kid calling her my best friend but that was she is. She volunteered to watch Rex while I went to my appointment and then we sat and just talked and enjoyed catching up (we only get to see each other once a month normally and sometimes its work related which to me ...

I'm Thankful For...Day 11

Today I'm thankful for the fact that Grandma's surgery went well and she is recovering fast.  I'm thankful for my husband's job and the fact that it is flexible enough for him to work from home when needed.  <center><a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></center>

I'm Thankful 10

Today I'm really having to think about what I'm thankful for mainly because it's the start of some long days and weeks ahead of me.  Today I'm thankful for the fact that we have doctors that are able to help people like my husband's grandma. She is having surgery on her back today to hopefully relive more of the pain she suffers from. I'm very thankful that she is able to do this. I'm also thankful that we are in a position to stay with Grandpa and help him while she is away.  I know that this is going to be a stressful time for my family as we relocate to their house and that Rex will have some adjustments he's going to have to make and this is the part that over shadows the thankful's I have listed. I'm really a little nervous about how this is all going to work. I know that one of the reason's I want to be a homemaker is to help out at times like this. I'm glad we are however I know it's going to be hard. If you have a qui...

I'm Thankful 9

Today I'm thankful that two not very...umm...what's the word...nice, loving, caring people decided to get together and add one more to their family. If it wasn't for that then I wouldn't have the best sister in law in the world!  Happy Birthday Michelle! I'm glad your parents stayed together long enough to add you to the family. It wouldn't be the same without you! I hope you have a great day with your family. I wish we were there to celebrate with you! <center><a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></center>

I'm Thankful 8

Today I'm thankful that it is Tuesday! Why? Well it's my Bible study day with my mom's group and each week we get together and talk about what we learned in our book 'Created to be His Help Meet'. It means so much to me to be able to get together with other mom's and discuss things like becoming better wives and mothers. It also helps encourage me to not give up on what I'm doing every day here at home and know that it will all be for the glory of God whether I can see that now or not. It also helps encourage me to lead my example in what it means to walk with Christ. To show my husband that the days that I don't accomplish much or just waste my time is what I do alone but the days that I get a whole bunch accomplished and the house is looking great and Monkey actually had real pre-homeschool activities, that is all Christ working through me. I'm not strong enough to do all of it on my own. I'm so grateful to have a group of ladies who except me ...

I'm Thankful 7

Today I'm grateful for God's word! Not only the Bible but the people that he speaks through. I'm reading "Created to be His Help Meet" and it has done some wonderful things for my marriage and my life. I have always wanted to look nice and get attention of others. Now I have never been the "perfect" body type. I have always carried extra weight and the older I get the more it seems to add. Today in  my study it is talking about modesty. Not the cover you from head to toe. Not the wear only long skirts. Not the don't wear what is in fashion. Just be cautious as to what you are wearing and saying about yourself and your family to the world.  I have been struggling with the thought of what is in style for the girls right now in our schools and what it must be doing to the poor boys that have to look at it all day for the past 2 years. Since I had Rex and became a mom to a boy it has opened my eyes to all of the temptation that is out there, in rea...

I'm Thankful 5 & 6

Today I'm thankful for a friend that is helping with family pictures. If you are in the Denver area and need pictures done please contact Claire Yvonne Photography . I'm thankful for family and being able to visit my hubby's grandparents. I'm thankful for our current situation that allows us to help family out when they are in need. I'm also thankful for my parents who are willing to take care of Sassie while we help out other family. This weekend/week I have a bunch to be thankful for. <center><a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></center>

I'm Thankful 4 (Potty Training)

Today I'm thankful for potty training going well. Rex is doing great! We started again on Monday after having a major  Parent Fail ! Now we are off and running. He hasn't had an accident with peeing since Monday even in his diaper while at Popa's house. He only had one accident yesterday with pooping in his underwear which was not fun at all but it was more my fault because I decided to take a bath in the middle of the afternoon and not put a diaper back on him. He's doing great with understanding that he needs to go potty and he's holding it longer which is just fantastic! Today we are heading out to a mom's group to go play and I'm not risking underwear in public just yet but I'm going to just stay on top of it and hope that we can get him to go in public too and if so that means he would be almost completely potty trained at 2 1/2! That would be great! Then it would just be night time training which there really isn't anything that you can do to t...

I'm Thankful 3

Today I'm thankful for my hubby and all he does for us! He works hard to provide for us and helps prepare us for the future. He loves to spend time with us. He puts up with all of my little quirks that others can find annoying. Most importantly he loves both of us unconditionally!  I'm so thankful that I have a wonderful supportive husband! <center><a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></center> No rules for this link up! Just link up if you want. Share the button if you want. I just want people to have a chance to think about all that they are thankful for!

I'm Thankful 2

Today I'm thankful for the snow outside and the fact that it has kept my hubby home with us today and the fact that just using google and a few other blogs for ideas I was able to find out how to make a link up!  Link ups are fun and I can't wait to read what everyone else is thankful for this month! Grab the button, link up, follow along or just read! It's up to you! <center><a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></center>

HELP! Vote on our Christmas Card!

He ritage Makers  has so many great Christmas Card ideas I need help deciding what to use for ours. Please take a look at the ones I have made and help me decide! Card #1 Front Back Card #2 Front Back Card #3      Back                   Front Inside Card #4 (3 Fold Card) Inside (Can be set up to display our family photots) Front (The picture of Rex will be the front when folded than the writing page & the 4 pictures the back) Each card has it's own style and is great in it's own way. Number 4 is my favorite but only for the reason that the template allowed me to add more pictures. I had to make some changes to it that made it look right for me but that's one thing I love about  Heritage Makers ! All of their templates are able to be changed to fit your likes or picture needs.  So please help! Please leave a comment on which Christmas cards I should order. Then I can get them finished and ...

I'm Thankful For...

Now that it is November I want to make sure that I'm really thinking about what I have to be thankful for. It's truly a great habit to get into and to remember all the time and I think November is a great time to start a habit like this.  So I'm thankful today for the wonderful mom's that I get to share my Tuesday's with in my Bible study group. They are so great! We get to enjoy really heart to heart discussions about things that are really important to us in our lives without judgement. I do not know where I would be without these ladies! Thank you all for the wonderful things you share and help me work through! It means so much to me! Grab the button below and share what you are thankful for! <center><a href=""><img border="0" src=""/></a></center> Maybe this month I w...

Our Halloween Adventure!

So this weekend we had a very full Halloween fun. We first went to Boo at the Zoo and had fun getting candy while looking at the animals. Being that it was later and cooler we were able to see more of the animals moving around. It was a lot of fun!  Walking into the zoo!  The lions were up and moving and really close to us which never seems to happen when we are there.  He got to pet a Hedgehog!  Couldn't remove this guys red eye!  Monkey normally hate the carousel although we keep trying it but this time he loved it. Guess it was because Daddy was with him.  Monkey's little girlfriend!  What a cute family we are!  I had to ride too. Tried to show Monkey that a moving animal is fun too! Look at that face! He was having so much fun! Making goo!  Getting a ride to all the candy stops! Monkey did walk a lot but also rode with his girlfriend too!  We went to the Safe Street th...