Staying at home can create a sense of comfort. Allowing to stay in PJ's all day, enjoying just lounging of the couch and eating bon bon's. However for most of us homemakers we do not have this luxury of lounging and bon bon's. We have things to do with our children, house cleaning to do, and many thing outside of the house. Sometimes getting dressed in the morning just seems pointless. Excuses like I have to clean so why would I put on my 'nice' clothes or the baby is just going to spit up on me so I should just stay in my pj's since I will have to change later anyway. These are valid reasons on some days to stay in our pj's but most days we should get up and get ready just like if we worked outside of the home. It shows our husbands that we care about him and we try to make sure that we look good for him. It also shows are children good habits of getting up and getting dressed and ready for the day. If you read in Proverbs 31 you will see what a wif...
For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1