He's not 2 yet!!!! That's all I have to say!!!! Well not really... So Monkey is hitting the dreaded age of 2 with all the terribleness included. Today of course my patience and consistency has been lower than normal due to unexpected back pain (thanking the wonderful Colorado weather for that). He has decided that listening to Mommy is optional and each day Hubby is gone he gets worse and worse whether we Skype or talk on the phone. He is now understanding that Daddy is away and Mommy is running close to empty on all emotions except overwhelmed. I think part of the problem was last week I was gone a lot. Between my class, prayer group, and Heritage Makers Monkey was away from me I think for 5 nights last week and Sunday morning while I went to church. I'm so grateful that my parents love having Monkey and are willing to take him because if not I wouldn't be able to do everything I've been doing because I couldn't afford to pay a babysitter. I think my new goal (after my trip of course) is to make sure that Monkey only has a sitter 2 times a week not including church time. This will allow me to be more consistent and maybe slow down or mellow out those terrible 2's that are starting even though he's not even 2 yet!!! Yes I know I keep repeating myself but seriously couldn't he just let me enjoy these last few weeks before he started?
I'm so excited to be co-hosting with Melissa! I have been a long time reader & finally got around to co-hosting! I can't wait to see all of your holiday traditions & I'm sure add a few to my list too! Holiday Traditions? What are those? I'm not sure we have any set up in our family. We never really had anything that we did every year growing up either. So I'm not surprised that we haven't thought about setting anything up for our kids either. Last year we tried doing the Three Wise Men Gifts but I of course bought more than just 3 gifts. So what is the plan this year for holiday traditions in our house? Bass Pro Shop Winter Wonderland to visit Santa Three wise men gifts One Santa gift plus the stocking Baking cookies at Granny & Great Popa's house Baking cookies at Grandma & Popa's house with cousins & then heading to the local fire department & police station to share with the men & women that keep us safe throug...
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