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A Day in the Beginning of Building a Farm Life!

A day in the life of beginning a farm while building a tiny house....

First we didn't get home to the micro house until 9:30 last night as Hubby was trying to get the flooring finished (he only has one small section in the kids room left) before the dark set in and before he had to head back to work for the next week in a half. Then of course we have to get everything cleaned up and prepared for rain that is coming in before we could head home. We were out there putting paint samples on the wall to make sure we got the right colors and I brought out dinner so Hubby could eat at a decent time. So we get home and frantically get the boys in bed so we relax and hopefully fall asleep. Of course with all the drama of the night we were both wide awake so we laid in bed watching TV until after midnight! Not a good thing to do when the next day is booked full! Oh forgot to mention that Hubby had a flat tire we had to figure out before we could head home too!

So the morning starts with normal parenting stuff. Goose crawled in bed with us once again around 4am which is becoming an everyday occurrence. We aren't worried about stopping it until we are moved in to the tiny house so we just make room and go back to sleep. Hubby finally rises just after 7 which is an hour later than planned but its hard to get up and get moving when the boys are still sound asleep and you know as soon as you start moving they will wake up before they are ready which leads to a hard day for Mommy.

First he has to head straight outside to clean composting buckets because he hasn't had time to do it and we are completely out. No one can go potty until this is done. Poor guy! Who wants to deal with dirty bathroom buckets before they had their coffee for the morning!

Goose of course is awake because he's in our bed and Daddy can't crawl over the 2 of us to get up without waking us up. Monkey is still asleep but we know its only a matter of time with the door opening and closing and me awake trying to get coffee and breakfast going. While Hubby is dealing with potty buckets I get his cup of coffee started and then head out to the chicken coop to get eggs so I can make breakfast.

Monkey wakes up and crawls up into our bed because he's just not ready to be "people friendly" yet. (A cute term I learned from a close friend). Goose is fully awake now and bouncing off the walls. He's such a morning person and we aren't sure where he got that from!

The boys have to start cleaning up their bed. Blankets and pillows up on our bed and stuffed animals in the baskets. And then its time to get dressed for morning chores! This is when the whining and "but I'm tired" comes out. Even from Goose who was just sitting there bouncing like he couldn't control himself anymore and just had to be moving is now laying on our bed complaining about to being to tired to move. Ya right buddy!

Hubby eats his breakfast while boys get ready and then they head out for morning chores. Chickens need food an water. Chicks need food and water and the dogs need food. Sounds simple enough except...the chickens have broke their food feeder AGAIN! The water container is already growing green grossness on the bottom and will need to be scrubbed again even though we just did it a few days ago. They move on to the chicks and this is when I get involved. Up until this point I'm inside eating my breakfast looking at amazon to figure out how much everything is going to cost for finishing touches. All of a sudden Monkey come running in saying 3 chicks had escaped and were in the big chicken coop! This meant they were in the coop where there are 4 roosters! Roosters don't like when a chick is sending a distressed call so this can be a little scary. Hubby plays body guard for me so I don't get attacked as I run around chasing chicks. I'm sure I look ridiculous running around in my gauchos and superhero PJ shirt!

We catch the chicks quite easily which is surprising and only had one close call with a rooster. Now that they are back safely in the correct cage Hubby and the boys can finish taking care of them and I can finish my breakfast.

Then its time to take care of the dogs. Boys head into their pin to collect their bowls and Daddy heads in to find the dead rat they had laying out so we could toss it out in the wooded area so some other creature can enjoy it. Now chores are done for the boys. Monkey heads to the car to get the new chapter books we got at the library because he read the 2 I got for the week in one in a half days and Daddy heads out to start his truck so he can leave. That's when he discovers his tire is flat again which means he has to go buy new tires before he can head to the job this morning which is an expense that we weren't counting on and may add extra days to our move deadline.

When the boys come in they are asking where their breakfast is and I realize that I'm not getting Mom of the Year award today as I completely forgot to start their breakfast with all the chick craziness this morning. Oops! Good things kids are so forgiving because this Mommy is starting to get the 3rd trimester pregnancy brain and can barely form words and keep them alive during the day!

Its now only 9:22am and I've been writing this for about the last half hour while the kids ate and Money is now reading under our covers again and Goose is keeping himself entertained by climbing all over the folding chairs and table. I now get to head out and help our friend get more chicken wire up so hopefully we will stop having chicks escape because being a farm wife means getting things done while husbands are work while managing kids, housework, homeschooling, and in my case growing a baby at the same time!

I wouldn't trade it for anything! And most morning aren't quite as crazy but they all bring their own drama each morning!


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