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Preparing for Baby Girl

As I reach the end of this pregnancy I'm getting anxious and excited to meet our Baby Girl and snuggle and cuddle her. I keep thinking that I can't wait until she comes out! I can't wait to see her pretty little face and her cute little toes! But it also has me thinking about how life is going to change for my boys!

Monkey has already expressed how he gets ignored when a baby is around. This poor guy still asks me questions when people in the store comment at how cute Goose is but fail to say anything about him. He doesn't understand and now there is going to be a new baby... and a girl baby at that. Girl babies seem to hold a different standard of cuteness to the public. People tend to admire little girls in their dresses and cute hair bows more then little boys wearing superhero shirts covered in dirt.

And then poor Goose! ties been the baby now for almost 4 years! He's going to have to adjust to having a mommy that has to put a babies needs first. He's going to not be able to crawl into bed in the middle of the night and snuggle close to mommy because there is going to be a new little person in that spot.

So although I seriously can't wait for these next few weeks to pass.. finishing touches on the tiny house, more in day, and preparing for Baby Girl to make her appearance I'm trying to make sure to get in as many boy cuddles in as I can. I'm trying to make sure that Hubby and I have plans in place to make sure the boys get plenty of mama time after she arrives. Nighttime stories with mom. Cuddles during the day when Baby Girl is sleeping. And plenty of loves and fun from family and friends that come to visit.

We need to remember that yes our lives are about to change in a very big way! Sleepless nights, diapers, dresses and lots of pink but our boys lives are going to change just as much if not more! Naptime is over so I'm going to go get some boy snuggles before they want to disappear outside with their friends and ignore their mommy!


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