By Monday morning my kitchen looks like this! Awful! Now imagine the rest of the house! Yep Monday's are a big day of cleaning for the kids and I.
Of course a full day of cleaning sounds like no fun to myself or to the kids so I have been battling with them to get the house cleaned and it normally is an all day battle.
So here is my new strategy getting help with all the work without the constant arguing.
Setting a time with a 10 minute power clean and then a 20 minute play break.
During our power clean we all have to have a happy heart about cleaning and clean with a purpose. For myself that means not getting angry with the boys as they play as they clean. I need to set an example and remain calm and enjoy cleaning. It also means that I clean for the whole 10 minutes. I don't stop to help them complete their jobs. I stick with mommy job such as starting the washer, folding laundry, emptying and loading the dishwasher. This way I get what I need done.
For the boys they have to do their jobs without whining and getting angry. They have to first start with taking their sheets of their beds so I can wash them. Then they have to move on to all the toys and books that are left out on the floor. After they get everything off the floor put away it's time to hand then the cleaner and start washing their bathroom. This it teaching Rex the importance of not missing the toilet because it's no fun to have to clean up that mess. They also can help me with unloading the dryer and taking the basket of clean clothes to my room to be sorted, folded, and then put away. They also help put away their own clothes. This is Goose's favorite job but still requires supervision on my part. There are many more chores that they can help with like dusting, sweeping, mopping, organizing, etc.
How do you get your kids involved in cleaning the house?
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