Another fun craft filled day with Easter around the corner. We had a bunch of egg cartons laying around and we needed something to do so I searched for some ideas online and Monkey chose to make these fun Easter egg holders. All you need is egg cartons cut up, paint & supplies, black marker, colored feathers and glue. Painting the egg cartons all different fun colors! Then it was time to dye the eggs to put them in our fun holders! Grandma bought special tie dye for the eggs. Monkey enjoyed this for a bit but it didn't last long. Goose joined in for a short time and tried to enjoy an egg with us! But with a fever of about 100 degrees he wasn't to happy to be doing anything other than cuddling and shortly after this picture he went to bed for another short cat nap. Monkey enjoyed coloring on his eggs before he put them in the colors Entertaining Monkey while we waited for the eggs to get done! I was tickling hi...
For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1