With the new year here I can't help but think about the things that I so desperately need to change in my daily life. Things that I just can't put off any longer and just need to do. No "New Years Resolutions" here because who ever sticks to those anyway. What I'm talking about is honest life changing behavior that I need to do for myself and for my family!
Here's my list that I plan to incorporate throughout the next few weeks and months!
Here's my list that I plan to incorporate throughout the next few weeks and months!
- A daily schedule for myself (including weekends!)
- Getting up at 5 am (or whenever Pilot wakes up to nurse close to that time)
- Work out
- Scripture Reading
- Making sure Hubby gets breakfast in the morning and has a lunch to take to work with him
- Start more structured/planned learning for Monkey
- I can't put this off any longer. Before I know it we will have to start kindergarten, 1st grade...and right now I'm so not prepared for any of it. No motivation to plan activities or to them carry them out. I'm starting the planning now and will start integrating them into our daily life as soon as I have everything I need (no later than the end of the month).
- Here's what we will do on a regular basis
- Writing
- Numbers/Math
- Reading
- Art
- Music (at the library once a week for Music & Movement classes)
- I also plan on having him start swim lessons and he wants to play soccer so we are looking into what we need to do to get him involved in that too!
- Get Goose on a better sleeping schedule at night
- I really need my sleep and I need him up and moving when we have things going on during the day so I need to get him on a better schedule. So far so good. I'm getting to bed at least 2 hours earlier than I was a few weeks ago.
- Save money/Get out of debt
- My part in this is to save money where ever we can. Couponing is one way! I've started that already and just off a trip to 2 stores I've saved my family $136.00!!!! Go me!!!! Then we are applying everything we can to our little debt we have so we can be debt free by the end of the year, possibly even by the end of the summer! Doesn't that sound awesome?!?!?!
OK so I have some good goals for the year regarding my family and we are starting our 3rd week in Janurary and I'm doing pretty good. Goose's doing well with going to bed earlier and sleeping almost through the night. I'm getting up early and working out the majority of the days of the week and we have started on working on writing and reading every day with Monkey. So as the month continues I will add more things to our schedule. I'm excited to see how our year goes with these goals in place.
Like I said before, these are not new years resolutions because I don't believe in those. I actually was trying to start new things in November and with the holidays it just wasn't working so it just happened to be after the first of the year that I'm starting this.
Is anyone else setting goals right now? Or do you have any suggestions that might make this transition easier for myself and the family? I'd love to hear them!
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