Auntie M is my sister-in-law who lives in OKC and we just love it when she comes to visit! This time she was able to bring her boys with her so all the cousins got to hang out for about two weeks together. They had a blast! Auntie M also comes up with fun things for us to do and this particular day was a full day of fun for free! (except for buying lunch) Here in CO we have a Littleton Museum...who knew? I have lived here for almost 30 years and I never knew! (Holy moly that just made me realize the I'm almost 30! Yikes!) This museum is much more fun than your traditional museum...why? Well because it is mostly outside with fun animals of course! What else do kids love more? They have two different eras that they show. First is a 1860's town which includes a farm with animals they would have raised, donkeys, cows, turkeys, sheep, chickens and a school house. It was great being able to share things from the past with the kids. They t...