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Showing posts from January, 2012

Proverbs 2 Bible Study

Every week on Tuesday I have a Bible study group I attend for the mom's group that I am in. I love going and talking through what I learned this week and learning even more from what other people learned from the Scripture. This gave me an idea...I would share with my blog readers what I learn each week on Tuesday. Right now we are studying Proverbs! This week Proverbs 2!  My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, Turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding,  and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver  and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom,  and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds victory in store for the upright,  he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,  for he guards t...


I have been wanting to coupon for quite awhile. I have tried a few times and got a few good deals but it's time to really start trying to get more things for free.  I'm going to start by researching online different styles of couponing. I really hate the cutting out and sorting thing so I'm thinking I'm going to save by date but I need to learn more about it. I am also going to try and find people that get the newspaper but don't use coupons that I can get extra coupons for. I also know that there are coupon inserts at the stores in the free paper stacks so I'm going to start looking for those. I also heard that if you talk to your newspaper delivery person you can get any extra coupons that they don't put in the newspapers so now just to figure out how to talk to that person. I'm really excited to get this all started and going so I can start saving my family more money. We haven't quite figured out where we will put our stock pile of ite...

15 Week Bumpdate

For my first pregnancy everything was a little crazy and a little stressful. What else do you expect when you squeeze a 9 month pregnancy into 3 ? Well this time I want to be able to remember it all.  So here is goes... Dear Baby, This week I'm 15 weeks. I'm so excited that God gave you to us. I'm happy to be helping you grow nice and strong so you will be ready to come out and meet us in July. Last week Rex was sick and it seems that I'm catching his cold. I'm a little worried about catching his fever because I know that can be very dangerous to you. I'm doing everything I can to stay healthy for you. I haven't had a bad pregnancy with you. No getting sick. I do get nauseated although not as much as I did in the beginning. Daddy laughs at my crazy cravings because most of the time they are something I have seen a commercial for or on a movie. Right now I'm really wanting Twizzlers but haven't been able to get them. I'm hopin...

Week D!

Poor little Rex has been sick all week. He had a fever for three days and now has a cough. This was the first day he had his fever. He curled up on the couch with his blanket and watched a movie and then another and another.  He's feeling much better now and has been fever free for 2 days. I just hope this cough doesn't last long. Of course because I was the main one taking care of him and exposed to the most germs I'm starting to feel sick too.  I'm going to start the neti pot today and I have been drinking my lemon and honey tea for a few days hoping it will help keep it from coming on but not sure if it will work. Also been trying to cook many meals with garlic and onions because they are suppose to kill off germs in  the body as well. Hopefully it will work and I won't get super sick.

People Don't Always Get Me

I'm a mom that chooses the natural path. I delivered Monkey naturally and plan to do the same with this next baby as well. My husband and I both agreed that we would not vaccinate Monkey when he was born and the next baby too. Once he was born and he was having some health problems we felt even more strongly about it. At least to wait until after we figured out what was going on.  Well Monkey is going to be 3 in March and we still have a vaccine free kid with no immediate plans to change it. It works for us and Monkey seems to be doing just find without them. Who knows what the future holds but we are happy with where we are.  Well now Monkey is sick. Just a normal cold with a cough and fever. I hate watching him suffer but at the same time I know that choosing natural ways may take longer but I feel that in the long run it will be better for him.  So we are using a homeopathic flu medicine, a homeopathic cold medicine that is helping his cough and runn...

Our Family Verse for this Season

I love how God just speaks to you when you are least expecting it. Today I was reading Psalms to Rex just because. He was playing and I wanted to read the Bible so I figured I would read aloud to him. I read one and then he kept saying, "Finish the Bible Mommy." So I kept reading. Then God gave me this after our family got more potentially bad news.  O Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me!  Many are saying of me,  "God will not deliver him." But you are a shield around me, O Lord; You bestow glory on me and life up my head. To the Lord I cry aloud,  and he answers me from his holy hill. I lie down and sleep'  wake again, because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side. Arise, O Lord! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked.  From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people. Psalms 3 My family is d...

Week C!

Week letter C! Rex is so creative in many ways but this week he decided that it would be shown at the table. We had hamburgers made at home which means to fat for his mouth. He started to whine that he couldn't eat it and I just said 'Figure it out." He looked at his burger and decided the best way to eat it was piece by piece. He ate almost everything from it too this way. He also ate all his french fires too. He's so cute as he concentrated on what he was doing. He also will eat almost anything now as long as he has dip. He doesn't really care what kind of dip either. He decides what dip he wants by liking Mommy or Daddy more that day. Ketchup is a Mommy day ;) Ranch or mustard is a Daddy day.

Week B!

So I didn't get to post week B last week but here it is. Rex was looking out his window at the beautiful Colorado snow! He's so cute!  Also our little bundle of joy that we got to see this last week! I'm so glad that all test came back with good news from our 12 week appointment!

12 Week Bumpdate

Yesterday we had our 12 week ultrasound and I enjoyed it so much! We were able to see our baby's face and she  (we didn't find anything out about the sex just hard to talk without he's and she's) had her hands up by her face. It was so cute. We also have a very stubborn child. The poor tech had such a hard time trying to get the measurements that she needed. She kept trying to get the baby to move. She had me move trying to get to the baby to move and nothing. So we were able to enjoy watching our baby on the screen for at least 20 minutes while she did her best to get the pictures she needed.  I'm a little bummed by the photo she gave us to take home. There were so many good photos where you could see so much and then right at the end she gave us a quick photo that isn't great but I will share it anyway. Like I said bad right. Well so it can help the baby's head in on the right side, Her hand is the white blob in front of her face and then you can b...

How to choose a name?

So as I said in  this post  we are in a debate of whether or not we should find out what we are having. Well this debate has one other problem besides washing clothes and that's picking a name. We have a girl name. We had it since we first started talking about having kids. We decided on family names for a boy (Rex Daniel, after our grandpas) and a girl (Theresa Kathryn, after my grandma and mom) but now since we used our boy name we need another one.  We have talked and looked and we can't agree on anything. I love Asher, Azariah, George (after my dad who is a huge part of our lives) and he just keeps saying no. He said he will give suggestions once we find out what we are having. Well that's still up for debate so I think he needs to suck it up and help me think. We picked out one boy name that we both like but it is very different and so we aren't sharing it with anyone because we are almost certain that everyone will try and talk us out of it. The problem i...

"Body Surfing": Book Review

I have started off good so far this year. Finished the book Body Surfing  by Anita Shreve in about three days! Go me! The book was a easy read and kept my attention.  It's about a woman who has been married twice, once divorced and once widowed. She is trying to figure out where life is going to take her and spends the summer with the Edwards family on New Hampshire's cost.  She is a tutor for Julie, the 18 year old daughter who is preparing for the SAT's the following year. When her brothers, Jeff and Ben, come to the house things start to get interesting.  BOOK SYNOPSIS: At the age of twenty-nine, Sydney has already been once divorced and once widowed. Trying to regain her footing, she has answered an ad to tutor the teenage daughter of a well-to-do couple as they spend a sultry summer in their oceanfront New Hampshire cottage.  But when the Edwardses' two grown sons, Ben and Jeff, arrive at the beach house, Sydney finds herself caught up ...

The ABC's of Our Family

I got a great idea from this lovely  blog  about doing a ABC photo book through out the year. Each week taking one photo that goes along with a letter. I have seen lots of great ideas for different photo blog ideas but all seem like to much work and something that I know I wouldn't be able to do. This one seems reasonable for our crazy life.  So to start off I have chose a great picture that I took of Rex and M playing together one day when he got home from work. Rex is so ADORABLE in this picture I just knew this was what I had to use! Plus I already know what I'm using for next week even though the picture hasn't been taken yet.  So here it is.......ADORABLE Rex playing with his Daddy! Oh I just can't get enough of this guy. Also as a little side note to how adorable he is...he kept posing for the camera once I got. He didn't care that Mommy was watching him play and wouldn't even look at me but soon as the camera was out he had to keep turning and...

Finding Out the Sex

So M and I are in a debate about finding out what the sex of this baby is. With Rex we decided it was better to find out since we only had  three months  to plan for everything. With this one I really want it to be a surprise. M wants to find out. I want a surprise because with Rex everything worked out find even though he came out a boy instead of a girl like they said. I see no reason to find out what we are having. We have almost all the baby stuff we need, except for a new stroller and a car seat. I don't see a need to know and think that keeping it for a surprise (as long as the baby cooperates with us) will just add to the birth experience. I remember the surprise of Rex being a boy and how fun it was to find out when he came out. It was also fun in that case because he was born the day before April Fools day and no one wanted to believe that we were telling the truth. M doesn't really have a reason for finding out. He just wants to know. I know...

All Moved!

Well almost! We moved on Sunday and finally got our desk yesterday and the computer set up. We have all our main living stuff here and just have to go through the rest of the junk left at the old house and figure out what's coming here, getting donated, and thrown away.  December was a crazy month, actually 2011 was just plain a crazy year with everything we went through but I'm hoping that 2012 will be better.  Not much going on the rest of this week but next week we get to have our 12 week ultrasound. I'm excited to make sure that the baby is growing good and on track and everything is OK. It's nerve racking to go through the first trimester. Since I never knew with Rex  until the scary months were over this is a first and I'm not liking it too much. There is a plus though, I'm getting treated good in the sense that I couldn't really help move. I was ordered to rest whenever someone thought I was over doing it and I have an excuse to take naps in the...